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Nigerian activist arrested for calling for a nationwide #RevolutionNow protest movement

Omoyele Sowore was detained and charged under Nigeria's 2011 counter-terrorism law. He could face life imprisonment.

UAE frees activist Osama al-Najjar after 5 years in detention

Despite serving his three-year sentence in March 2017, al-Najjar remained in arbitrary detention.

In Ethiopia, disinformation spreads through Facebook live as political tensions rise

Online conspiracy theories, political rants and rumors laced with communal hatred are now common genres in Ethiopian social media.

Tanzanian journalist faces trumped-up charges after abduction and detention

Freelance ournalist Erick Kabendera has written critically of Tanzanian President John Magufuli's increasingly repressive administration. Yesterday, authorities charged him with economic crimes, but critics say his only "crime" is journalism.

Sentencing of Turkish social media influencer sparks debate on free speech

A Turkish Twitter celebrity is being sued for allegedly advocating drug consumption, reigniting the debate about online freedom of expression

Netflix's ‘The Great Hack’ highlights Cambridge Analytica's role in Trinidad & Tobago elections

Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie may visit Trinidad and Tobago to talk to a parliamentary Joint Select Committee about campaign election interference — and who hired and paid the company.

Twitter campaign by Pakistani ruling party warns media against anti-state criticism

According to the government, the idea behind the series of tweets was not to ridicule but to ‘educate’ the media. However, the activists feel otherwise amidst troll attacks.

Pro-China forum's plan to troll Hong Kong protesters foiled after doxxing retaliation

Pro-China forum members quickly halted their plan to troll Hong Kong anti-extradition protesters after their personal information, including identity card number and bank record was exposed online.

Ugandan feminist Stella Nyanzi deploys nude protest to challenge free speech sentence

Feminist scholar Stella Nyanzi, known for "radical rudeness" as protest, flashed her breasts and shouted obscenities in protest in court after receiving 9 more months in prison for cyber harassment.

What do Zimbabwe’s internet disruptions say about the state of digital rights in the country?

Government officials have repeatedly described access to social media as a potential threat, hinting that more disruptions would not be ruled out in the future. 

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