Latest Condition of Markus who allegedly Hit by Brimob



Laila Afifa

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  • TEMPO.CO, JakartaVia finally found her boyfriend’s whereabouts, Markus Ali, who was allegedly beaten by personnel of police mobile brigade (Brimob) in the area of Al Huda Mosque or Smart Services Parking, Jalan Kampung Bali XXXIII, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta post the May 22 riot.

    On Tuesday, May 28, Via found Markus being treated in Raden Said Sukanto Police Hospital, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

    She said that the authority prohibited her from entering the room, let alone speaking to Markus. A police officer, she added, demanded her to be patient and wait for a few days.

    “I cannot see Markus in ICU room, I can’t hold back this tears,” said Via, adding that Markus was in the critical state as she saw through the glass window.

    A witness who Tempo met and refused to be named mentioned that officers allegedly Brimob personnel arrested four people in the area on Thursday morning, May 23. The location went viral on the internet following the spread of the video displaying the violent act practiced by Brimob officers against the four including Markus.

    The three other people were Lubis, Jurianto, and Andre who police identified as Andri Bibir. The witness said they usually slept in the parking area and helped the parking issue.

    The witness claimed to see officers hitting Jurianto’s and Lubis’ head until bleeding during the arrest. Markus and Andre who was standing 200 meters away from his position was also stroke by officers. The witness confirmed the viral video and said that it was Markus who was dragged from the mosque to his location near the parking gate.

    “His head hit a pole in the entrance parking gate,” he added. Tempo observed stains of red blood allegedly belonged to Markus still imprinted in the pole.

    Recently, the police identified a young man recorded in the video was Andri Bibir (31). He allegedly procured stones needed for demonstrators on early hours of Thursday, May 23.