
“Candidates are in danger of focusing on the political expedients – initially of what it takes to win the Conservative Party leadership race and latterly of what it takes to maintain the unity of a rancorous cabinet populated by failed and possibly embittered leadership contenders.”
It's a strategically poor choice – and that's no coincidence.

"There are a number of ways by which cities could significantly reduce car dependence and ultimately become car-free.

"Cities such as Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Malmo and Utrecht are reallocating road space from motorised to non-motorised transport and investing in new cycling infrastructure.
The car revolutionised the way people travel – but at a heavy cost. Now, car-free cities will only work when there's reliable public transit and access for all.
How Hindu nationalism has been turned into a political tool
The Mother of All Demos: Heat and Light Podcast trailer
Scoring children from the moment they're born?
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Great way to get fact based in an age of disinformation.
A genuinely informed source of information about the Whole World....when anyone cynically asks "wher...e do you get your information?", this is where! See More
The quality of the articles and opinions that The Conversation UK offers deserves all five stars. My... main reason for giving it only four is that I miss sufficient references to what 'the other side' thinks, which would provide the indispensable balance that 'the other side' typically lacks.

In other words: if we only read the opinions of people we know that we tend to agree with anyway, we will be as subject to the confirmation bias that narrows, instead of broadening, our views as those we tend to think of as narrow-minded. So, I hope that The Conversation UK will provide readers with counter-arguments to the arguments it presents, in the words of those who voice them, for the sake of approximating objectivity.

Apart from that criticism, however, I am grateful that there is such a media outlet in the UK.
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