Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!

Today, March 28, marks one full year since WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was cut off from the internet and his ability to communicate with the outside world. Assange remains confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he was granted political asylum in 2012. There he is subject to constant and invasive surveillance…

March 29 will mark three weeks since Chelsea Manning, who in 2010 provided WikiLeaks with documents exposing US war crimes, was jailed for contempt of court by a federal judge. Manning’s alleged “crime” is refusing to testify in a secret grand jury hearing against Assange. She is being held in solitary confinement, isolated 22 hours a day.

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New Zealand budget delivers billions for the military, starves public services
1 June 2019
The Labour Party-led coalition government’s “well-being budget” deepens the program of austerity and militarism supported by all the parties in parliament.
Australian billionaires celebrate soaring wealth, while wage case leaves millions in poverty
1 June 2019
The annual Rich List, along with the outcome of the latest minimum wage case, underscore the acceleration of social inequality in Australia and around the world.
Australia: Children detained in adult watch houses in Queensland
31 May 2019
Children as young as ten have been held in maximum security facilities, where they have been subjected to horrific abuses.
New prime minister installed in Papua New Guinea
30 May 2019
The manoeuvring between rival political cliques to form government underscores the gulf that separates the country’s poverty-stricken masses and its corrupt and venal elites.

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

On October 7, David North, International Editorial Board chairman of the World Socialist Web Site, delivered the following lecture to a well-attended public meeting in Colombo, organised by the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka). The meeting, the second of two held in Sri Lanka, was called to celebrate the 80thanniversary of the Fourth International and the 50th anniversary of the SEP in Sri Lanka. Click here to read the lecture

Amid grave concerns for his health, Assange transferred to Belmarsh Prison medical wing
30 May 2019
The WSWS demands Assange’s immediate release from the maximum security prison and his transfer to a hospital with the best medical care available and with doctors of his choice.
Despite Assange’s ill-health, Swedish court rejects delay to hearing
29 May 2019
The ruling is the latest example of the international legal vendetta being perpetrated against the WikiLeaks founder.
Australian government, Labor opposition silent on espionage charges against Assange
28 May 2019
Labor and the Coalition are signalling their support for the US-led persecution of Assange, for his exposure of war crimes and diplomatic conspiracies.
Socialist Equality Party wins important support in Australian federal election
25 May 2019
Thousands of workers, students and young people signalled their support for a socialist alternative to war, budget cuts and authoritarianism.