WACA is unapologetic in its commitment to resistance through non violent direct action. When our leaders refuse to act, the community must step forward, take action and lead the way.


WACA was once Wikileaks Australian Citizens Alliance. We formed in 2010 after the release of 'Collateral Murder' to give support to Chelsea Manning, whistleblowers, activists and the global transparency movement led by Julian Assange at the time.

Statement on the Passage of the Medical Evacuation Bill

WACA would like to acknowledge the work of the community - people in detention, activists and advocates - in the passage of the Medical Evacuation Bill. It is heartening to know that people in need of medical care will now receive medical care, which successive governments have denied them. Access...

#SuperGlue7 on Trial in Canberra

  On Thursday 29th March 2018 the #SuperGlue7, who superglued themselves to the railing of the House of Representatives' public gallery in November 2016, were rightly found Not Guilty of intentionally damaging Commonwealth property. We maintain that the real damage is being done by Peter Dutton. We will continue to...