Category Archives: Incendiary Attack

Berlin, Germany: Incendiary Sabotage Action Against Military & Corporate Communications Infrastructure in Solidarity with Afrin

Ruling over people is re-organizing: using nets and algorithms, states and companies are accessing our lives every day. Now, in this moment, while reading this text, and in future times. And it expands. We are under surveillance and control. Today, … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Anti-Militarism, anti-technology, Arson Attack, Berlin, Direct Action, Germany, Incendiary Attack, International Solidarity, Rojava, Sabotage

Genoa, Italy: Righi Telecommunications Repeater Up In Flames / Genova, Italia: Repetidor de Telecomunicaciones en Llamas

We live in a world where being connected is essential if we want to keep up with the times and keep pace with the neurotic rhythm that modern society is offering us. Human relationships have broken up behind displays, Apps. … Continue reading

Posted in Act For Freedom Now!, Anarchist Prisoners, anti-technology, Arson Attack, Davide Delogu, Direct Action, Genoa, Ghespe, Incendiary Attack, International Solidarity, Italy, Lisa, Maurizio Alfieri, Operation Scripta Manent, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: Incendiary Attack by Action Cell Haukur Hilmarsson Against a Car Dealership that Sponsors AKP Regime Events

Early in the morning on 12.03 we placed incendiaries under the vehicles at the side of the company builing and disappeared unrecognized into the darkness of the night. Three vehicles were burned out completely, others were badly damaged by the … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Action Cell Haukur Hilmarsson, Afrin, Antifascism, Arson Attack, Defend Afrin, Fuck AKP, Germany, Incendiary Attack, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rojava, Rojava Revolution

Turkey: Incendiary Attacks and Banner Action by DGH & DGK-H in Solidarity with the Defenders of Afrin

The Revolutionary Youth Movement (DGH) and the Revolutionary Young Women’s Movement (DGK-H) have made a written statement regarding actions they carried out in Amed and İzmir. The actions were carried out in support of the resistance in Afrin. The Turkish … Continue reading

Posted in Afrin, Amed, Antifascism, Banners, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck AKP, Fuck Erdogan, Incendiary Attack, Kurdish Struggle, North Kurdistan, Revolutionary Young Women's Movement (DGKH), Revolutionary Youth Movement (DGH), Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Turkey, İzmir

Grecia: Actualización sobre la huelga de hambre y sed del compañero anarquista K. Yiagtzoglou y últimas acciones de solidaridad.

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Insurrection News] Recibido el 27.02.18: El compañero Konstantinos Giagtzoglou está ahora en huelga de hambre durante 5 días y en huelga de sed desde hace 2 días. Hoy fue llevado a la enfermería … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Collaboration of Unyielding Anarchists FAI-FRI, Dinos, Direct Action, Greece, Grenade Attack, Hunger Strike, Incendiary Attack, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI), Konstantinos Giagztoglou, Konstantinos Yiagtzoglou, Molotov Attack, Prison Struggle, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, Thirst Strike

Greece: Update on the Hunger & Thirst Strike of Anarchist Comrade K. Yiagtzoglou & Latest Solidarity Actions

Received on 27.02.18: Comrade Konstantinos Giagtzoglou is now on hunger strike for 5 days and on thirst strike for 2 days. Today he was taken to the prison infirmary after feeling heavily illdisposed. He now weighs 55 kg (he originally … Continue reading

Posted in Athens, Collaboration of Unyielding Anarchists FAI-FRI, Dinos, Greece, Hunger Strike, Incendiary Attack, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (IRF), Konstantinos Giagztoglou, Konstantinos Yiagtzoglou, Molotov Attack, Patras, Prison Struggle, Thirst Strike, Volos

Grecia: Carta del compañero anarquista Konstantinos Giagtzoglou + actualización de su huelga de hambre.

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Insurrection News] Hoy, 24/02, temprano en la mañana, un grupo de fuerzas especiales de la policía (EKAM) ingresaron en la prisión de Korydallos y secuestraron al compañero Konstantinos Giagtzoglou (que está en huelga … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Arson Attack, Dinos, Direct Action, Fuck SYRIZA, Fuck The Police, Greece, Hunger Strike, Incendiary Attack, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI), Konstantinos Giagztoglou, Konstantinos Yiagtzoglou, Korydallos Prison, Larissa Prison, Prison Riots, Prison Struggle, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, Thirst Strike