Category Archives: Greece

Athens, Greece: Explosive Attack Against the Evelpidon Court Complex by Circle of Asymmetric Urban Warfare FAI-FRI

28.03.18: An Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI-FRI) cell named Circle of Asymetric Urban Warfare have claimed responsibility for an explosive attack against the Evelpidon Court Complex in Athens that took place during the early morning hours of … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-Terrorism Law (187A), Argyris Dalios, Athens, Circle of Asymetric Urban Warfare, Combative Memory, Dimitris Politis, Direct Action, Explosive Attack, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Giannis Michailidis, Greece, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI), Konstantinos Giagztoglou, Lambros Foundas, Nikos Romanos

Athens, Greece: “You Are An Anarchist, Therefore You Are A Terrorist As Well”

On November 29, 2017, in the Korydallos prison court, started the trial on 2nd degree (appeal court) of the comrades Argyris Dalios, Giannis Michailides, Dimitris Politis, Nikos Romanos and Gerasimos Tsakalos (member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire). The … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Movement, Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-Terrorism Law (187A), Argyris Dalios, Athens, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF), Dimitris Politis, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Giannis Michailidis, Greece, Korydallos Prison, Nikos Romanos, Posters

Carry the Spark Inside Your Heart! Fight For Afrin!

Received on 23.03.18: I met Haukur Hilmarsson (Spark) in Athens, where we lived together in the same squat. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to learn about his experiences that he gained during the last months while he was fighting … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Athens, Combative Memory, Greece, Haukur Hilmarsson, Iceland, International Freedom Battalion, Rojava, Rojava Revolution

Athens, Greece: Demonstration to Defend the Squats Community of Koukaki & in Solidarity with Squats & Places of Struggle

Almost a year ago, a new project bloomed in the neighborhood of Koukaki. We created a community of housing and struggling squats. We occupied three empty buildings which were getting rotten at Matrozou 45, Panaitoliou 21 and Arvali 3. We … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascism, Arvali 3 Squat, Athens, autonomous spaces, Fuck The Police, Gare Squat, Greece, Koukaki, Matrozou 45 Squat, Panaitoliou 21 Squat, Repression, Zaimi 11, Zaimi Squat

Athens, Greece: Kurdish Political Refugees Begin Hunger Strike in Syntagma Square for Afrin

On Sunday, March 18th, the army of the fascist Turkish State along with their jihadist FSA proxies entered the resisting town of Afrin. This was followed by looting, torture, beheadings of Kurdish fighters and the expulsion of 200,000 civilians, the … Continue reading

Posted in Afrin, Athens, Defend Afrin, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck Erdogan, Greece, Hunger Strike, Kurdish Struggle, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Rojava, Turkey

In Memory of Lambros Foundas, Killed by the Cops on 10.03.2010 in Athens (Eng/Esp)

In life thunder Charged with genuine anguish for the choices, the tomorrow, the comrades, the struggle. With sharp thoughts, forged in the bowels of personal labour and the movement. With decisive acts, firm, flaming. You showed with your life that … Continue reading

Posted in Act For Freedom Now!, Athens, Combative Memory, Greece, International Solidarity, Lambros Foundas, Poetry, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras

Athens, Greece: Riot Police Invades and Attacks Three Squats (Video)

At the dawn of Monday, March 12, at about 6 am, scores of riot policemen invaded and attacked simultaneously three Squats in Athens, Greece (Matrozou 45 at Koukaki, Gare and Zaimi Squats at Exarcheia) in an attempt to distract attention … Continue reading

Posted in Athens, autonomous spaces, Exarcheia, Fuck The Police, GARE, Gare Squat, Greece, Koukaki, Matrozou 45 Squat, Repression, Squatting, Videos, Zaimi Squat