Category Archives: First Nations

So-Called ‘Australia’: Solidarity Campaign for Joanne and Dylan Voller

Update, 05.10.17: last week a group of #ShutYouthPrisons peaceful protesters in Alice Springs, including Dylan Voller and his mum Joanne Voller, were arrested. 8 people received fines, amounting to $432 each. This is no small amount to an individual, but if we all chip in … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Dylan Voller, First Nations, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Joanne Voller, Mparntwe, Northern Territory, Repression, Shut Youth Prisons, Shut Youth Prisons Mparntwe, so-called 'Australia'

So-called Australia: Office of Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce paint-bombed in solidarity with First Nations Communities

Received on 31.01.17: On January 30th, 2017, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s Tenterfield office in so-called “Australia” was paintbombed in solidarity with First Nations struggles. This action was spurred by Joyce’s disgusting and ignorant comments around Invasion Day 2017, when … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Direct Action, First Nations, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Paint Bombing, so-called 'Australia'

Australia: Stripped, tear-gassed, brutalized Aboriginal children in Northern Territory prison

It almost defies belief that in supposedly civilized Australia there is a prison system that locks up 10 year olds and places children as young as thirteen in solitary confinement. “This is barbarism, this is inhumane, this is child abuse,” … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Child Abuse, Fire To The Judiciary, Fire To The Prisons, First Nations, Indigenous Struggle, Northern Territory, Prison Struggle, Repression, Torture | 2 Comments

Boorloo / Perth: First Nations People lead action for the homeless at WA Parliament

14.04.16: Boorloo/Perth, The Illegally Occupied Colony Australia – Some people from Matagarup/Heirisson Island led a march and sit in at Western Australia’s Parliament House for the homeless today. The Noongar Sovereign Tent Embassy has been known as Matagarup Refugee Camp … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Direct Action, First Nations, Homeless Resistance, Matagarup Refugee Camp, Noongar Sovereign Tent Embassy, Perth | 1 Comment