Category Archives: Banners

Canberra, Australia: Disruption of Parliament and Banner Drop in Solidarity with the #SuperGlue7 Defendants

  Received anonymously on 28.03.18: Early on Wednesday March 28th, a banner reading “Close the Camps, Open the Borders” was dropped from the Commonwealth Bridge in Canberra, the capital city of Australia. Flares were let off to highlight the action. … Continue reading

Posted in Asylum Seekers, Australia, Banners, Canberra, Close The Camps, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, so-called 'Australia', Superglue 7, Videos, WACA (Whistleblowers Activists & Citizens Alliance)

Grenoble, France: Frontex Conference Disrupted at the University of Grenoble

On Thursday, March 22nd, about 150 people gathered in front of the IMAG building at the University of Grenoble. Inside the building a conference was being held by the various players involved in the militarization of the borders: Frontex (European … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Militarism, Banners, Direct Action, France, Fuck Frontex, Fuck The Police, Graffiti, Grenoble, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Repression, Stop Deportations

Belgrade, Serbia: #Fight4Afrin – From Belgrade to Afrin NO PASARAN! (Video)

Antifascist solidarity with Afrin and Rojava 19. march Belgrade Svugde je Afrin, svuda je otpor. SOLIDARNOST SA AFRINOM, PROTIV FAŠIZMA, DRŽAVA I KAPITALA! In the recent days there have been several solidarity actions in Belgrade supporting the struggle for freedom … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Antifascism, Banners, Belgrade, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck AKP, Fuck Erdogan, Graffiti, International Solidarity, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Serbia, Videos

Russia: The FSB is the Real Terrorist! Freedom for Anarchist Prisoners! (Video)

Received on 20.03.18: Recent anarchist activity in Russia against the March 18 electoral spectacle, and in solidarity with anarchist and antifascist prisoners.

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Antifascist Prisoners, Banners, Direct Action, Fuck Putin, Fuck The FSB, Graffiti, International Solidarity, Posters, Russia, Street Art

Greifswald, Germany: Solidarity Action for Anarchists and Antifascists in Russia

18.03.18: In solidarity with the anarchists and antifascists who have been tortured and arrested in Russia we protested in front of the court in Greifswald (North-east Germany) today, on the day of action for the (political) prisoners and the day … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Antifa, Antifascism, Antifascist Prisoners, Banners, Direct Action, Fuck Putin, Fuck The FSB, Germany, Greifswald, International Solidarity, Russia

Sydney, Australia: Solidarity Action for Anarchist and Antifascist Prisoners in Russia

Received on 19.03.18: In response to a solidarity appeal from comrades in Russia, on the 18th of March, the day of the Russian elections, a group of anarchists in Sydney gathered at the Russian consulate. We distributed leaflets about the … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Antifa, Antifascism, Antifascist Prisoners, Australia, Banners, Direct Action, Fuck Putin, International Solidarity, Russia, so-called 'Australia', Sydney

Melbourne, Australia: Action at the Turkish Consulate on International Women’s Day in Solidarity with Afrin

Received on 08.03.18: On March 8th, International Women’s Day, a group of women, gender diverse people and a cis-male ally successfully bypassed security and entered the consulate of the fascist Turkish State in Narrm / Melbourne, so-called Australia to voice … Continue reading

Posted in Abdullah Öcalan, Afrin, Anti-Patriarchy, Australia, Banners, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, International Solidarity, International Women's Day, Kurdish Struggle, Kurdistan, Melbourne, Narrm, PKK, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Turkey, Videos, Women's Struggle, YPG, YPJ