July 4, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : THREE DAYS AGAINST THE TECNO-SCIENCES 26-27-28 JULY 2019 “Capo di Ponte Theme Park” in Prada – Capo di Ponte (BS) – Italy

Italy : THREE DAYS AGAINST THE TECNO-SCIENCES 26-27-28 JULY 2019 “Capo di Ponte Theme Park” in Prada – Capo di Ponte (BS) – Italy

Program – Tree days against the tecno-sciences
13. 00 lunch
14. 30 Presentation of the meeting
15. 00
In the temple of Janus. About the relationship between technology, exploitation and racism
For the Italics Janus had two faces: a bearded one depicting the sun and a beardless one depicting the moon. For the Romans, the sun and the moon soon became peace and war. The temple of Janus, in the Roman Forum, was closed in time of peace and open in time of war. Today the door of that temple is always closed because of the war and the unnamed of the present time. Embodied in the technological apparatus and its silent injunctions, war is the planetary movement of digital democracy.
Racism is its “moment of truth”, in that it explicitly affirms what its machines have never stopped doing to the colonial peoples. The algorithm command prepares the chief’s orders. The abstraction from the body, from the earth, from nature produces the comfortable bulwark of national belonging and the desire to lynch the different as a backlash. What was experienced in the colonies goes back.
Some of the editors of the anarchist magazine “I Giorni e le Notti” (Days and Nights) (Italy)

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July 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
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Lecce, Italy – 11th June 2019: 47 denounced following episodes of struggle against the TAP gas pipeline

In recent days we got news of yet another ‘maxi-denunciation’ concerning the struggle against TAP. This time 47 people were charged with a string of accusations which typically strike self-determined demonstrations. A spectacular accusation, which relates to important days of struggle occurring between December 2017 and June 2018.
Pointless to dwell upon the specific crimes being attributed, as we said before they are typical of demonstrations.
Rather, it is important to highlight how dribbled-out repression – consisting of continuous denunciations, controls, prompt expulsion orders and media criminalization – goes well beyond the intention of stopping the opposition to a gas pipeline. TAP is a dirty business thanks to which the police are using repressive means in order to rage on the life of anyone who wants to express any form of dissent against authority’s abuse and injustice.  Each small echo, each small step towards liberation is criminalized.

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July 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
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USA , San Francisco: Solidarity Action With Cedar

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info
We glued the locks of the gentrifying business Manny’s and tagged a circle-A and “Free Cedar.” Manny’s is run by a Democratic Party operative who worked as an LGBT advisor to the Obama administration and as a top fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton campaign in Silicon Valley. His cafe is a blatant and sinister attempt to co-opt revolutionary sentiments back into the electoral shit show.
This wanna-be politician is literally selling books by Frantz Fanon and James Baldwin while hosting live readings of the Mueller Report. He had the audacity, in some fluff piece about the cafe, to compare his tacky self-promotion to the riots at Compton’s Cafeteria and the Stonewall Inn.
He fancies his business as a social center for #TheResistance in a neighborhood which has endured brutal waves of evictions and whose long history of actual resistance has been under threat of erasure. Several of the locks we glued were of gates preventing houseless people from sleeping in the alcoves of the business. We hope this small act highlights the hypocrisy of his “civic engagement”.
This attack is a contribution to a low-intensity effort to fuck with Manny’s which has included pickets, wheatpasting, and book expropriation. There is an ongoing boycott of the space, but clearly more action is desired.
It is easy to attack!
Free Cedar!
via: north-shore.info, , , , ,

July 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Canada ,update: More Queers in Hamilton Arrested!

Canada ,update: More Queers in Hamilton Arrested!

On the 50th anniversary of Stonewall and on the Day of Action that was called in support of pride defenders, Hamilton Police have arrested two additional people. That is two more people who have been arrested for fighting back against queer and transphobia, misogyny, and white supremacy.
That brings the current total of arrests to five. That’s right, five queers who have been targeted, harassed, and arrested. This is beyond fucked. Show your love and rage – come out to tonight’s We Make Us Safe: Drop the Charges! Free Cedar! rally 8:30pm at Gore Park.
Because now more than ever, it is clear that police and politicians do not keep us safe, and we need to show Hamilton some resilient queer pride!
via: north-shore.info/

July 1, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: Update on the hunger strike in the prisons of L’Aquila and Alessandria (26th June, 2019)

Italy: Update on the hunger strike in the prisons of L’Aquila and Alessandria (26th June, 2019)

News from L’Aquila, June 26th:
Like every Wednesday, Silvia and Anna also held talks with external people today.
While Natascia moved there a week ago, she still has no chance to see anyone else but ‘advocate. She is subjected to censorship and has also withheld her trial papers. Even Silvia’s mail, in and out, continues to suffer slowdowns, and is partly withheld.
To date all three are still on hunger strike.
Who have seen the two comrades [Anna and Silvia] report having found them well, considering the fact that they reached the 29th day of the hunger strike. They accuse a physiological weakness that appears to be normal. With great strength of spirit today the companions refused the package, in which fruit had been put in the hypothesis that they had decided to stop the strike.
The initiatives put in place – even in the last few days – restored their strength. They confirm that the keystrokes from 41bis – lasting half an hour – continue, daily, and that they manage to participate, in response, for no more than ten minutes given the limited energy. They are pulling the rope in a situation that by day in day becomes more and more critical, and the absence of a response from the penitentiary institution, increasingly full of responsibility. The news of a visit to the prison on the same day by the national detainee guarantor, prompted by the gravity of situation, is reliable. The comrades are monitored by health personnel, but their request to allow a doctor to come in from outside the prison is still disregarded today.
Friday, June 28, will be the next opportunity for direct contact with the three comrades held in the AS2 section of the prison of L’Aquila, when the respective lawyers will go to interview them.
News from Alessandria, June 26th:
Today at around 13.30, I visited the prison of Alessandria to meet Marco, who is detained in AS2 section. I spent about an hour with him and he assured me that he was subjectively good despite the several days of hunger strike, he is still in force despite the 9 kg lost (currently weighing 42 kg), he is able to stretch his legs and chat with comrades when allowed. It takes only 3 bottles of 1.5 liter water and adds them with a teaspoon of salt and one of sugar. Days ago, refusing not to integrate anything with water, he suffered a hypoglycemic crisis for which some glucose and physiological infusions were needed, but currently the problem seems to be solved and is parameterized by the health personnel twice a day to prevent them from check again. Yesterday’s blood tests and e valuable vital signs indicate a state of general suffering from mild malnutrition, but not worrying at this time.
Aware of the possible consequences of the ongoing strike undertaken, for now he does not want to give up and is determined to reject any proposal for treatment by the jailers. The news of the mobilizations outside and the conditions of the other comrades on strike arrived quite up to date, while he complained of a noticeable slowness in outgoing communications.
Marco thanks the comrades in solidarity e in particular the Cassa Antipressione delle Alpi Occidentali [Anti-repression fund of the western Alps].
Come on Marco!!
From Fabio (doctor who visited Marco on Thursday 26/06)
via: insuscettibilediravvedimento

June 30, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Genoa, Italy – RAI premises trashed

Genoa, Italy – RAI premises trashed

From the local media we learn that in the night of 13th June the RAI premises in Corso Europa in Genoa were daubed with anarchist graffiti in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike. g-i-genova-italia-scritte-alla-sede-della-rai-13-0-1.jpg
‘State murderer’, ‘no 41bis’, ‘solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike’, are among the graffiti.

Translated by act for freedom now!
via: anarhija.info

June 30, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Folles (Haute-Vienne), France – Sabotage on a railway linked to a nuclear waste plant

Folles (Haute-Vienne), France – Sabotage on a railway linked to a nuclear waste plant

In the night of 4th June, an electricity cabin containing the railway signal control was set on fire along the railway leading to Orano’s infrastructures (Orano, ex-Areva, is a French nuclear power giant) in Bessines. What’s at the end of the railway? A uranium mine was there for almost sixty years. After it was closed down (it’s cheaper to extract uranium in poor semi-colonised countries such as Niger), the mine became… a ‘storage plant for depleted uranium oxide’ (that is to say a site of radioactive waste), stored in simple sheds. Orano, the owner of the site, would also like to use the mine tunnels to bury other kinds of radioactive waste (just as State-owned ANDRA wants to do in Bure). To make the pill of this beautiful nuclear democracy sweeter, Orano opened a… nuclear industry museum in the Bessines site.

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June 30, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece, Athens : Responsibility Claim for Arson Attack on nazis Golden Dawn Offices by Durutti Brigade

Greece, Athens : Responsibility Claim for Arson Attack on nazis Golden Dawn Offices by Durutti Brigade

The following is from the responsibility claim for an arson attack on the Golden Dawn offices in Menidi, Greece on May 23 by the Durutti Brigade.

In the center of Menidi, at dawn on Thursday, May 23, we climbed a staircase to the first floor of the building housing the local offices of the Golden Dawn, breaking one of the windows and surrounding the interior with several liters of gasoline. By firing them we wanted to re-send the mice to their holes and to deprive them of another structure from their increasingly shrunk list.
In the center of Menidi, on March 4, 2014, the locals opened the doors for the first time. In the years that followed, its members and executives tried to build a nationalist base that would capitalize on the Party’s electoral successes in Western Attica. From the Menidian Nazi-fascist den, they organized and coordinated attacks on migrant workers and the world of struggle; the reasons for the poverty of “criminality” were written and the capitalism and the bourgeois policy were condemned for the tribulations and pain they cause in its neighborhoods.
It is important to look and study the way in which the fascist-Nazi model of the Golden Dawn, in recent years, attempts to shield the material structures where their offices, halls or shops are housed.
The forces of antifascism have found that their offices have now become “impregnable fortresses,” fenced with ironwork that exceeds two meters, with perimeter barbed wire at any access point, photocells, cameras, thick railings on doors and windows.
This is the basis of this situation and the anti-fascist radical movement is organized. It studies the changes in fortification, vulnerabilities, the best possible conditions that can be hit by the target, always taking into account the geographical landscape where we should try and the particularities it has for the business planning.
Our goal was to cause extensive damage to the ATHEX offices in Menidi. We knew that an arson attack on the front door or elsewhere would obviously symbolically represent another dynamic movement against fascism. Nonetheless, it was politically considered necessary to attempt the full destruction of the offices. As a result of this need, a staircase design was included in order to go to the offices where they were housed on a raised first floor. In order to overcome the fortification and the shielding around it, it was considered necessary to cut the rails in the windows to find a passage, eventually breaking the window glazing.
If reference is made to part of the operational plan it is to make it clear that depending on the circumstances and the environment, the forces of the antifascist warfare must widen their resourcefulness and update their “armory” in order to put the seemingly impenetrable fortresses of the fascists out of operation. Any security and fortification conditions are not capable of providing security to their structures from the moment we organize, carefully plan and operate with determination. Once again, this energy as well as a plethora of former anti-fascist action against the mechanism of the Golden Dawn prove a single thing: that through study, precise planning, determination and commitment to our class duty we can defeat them.
Because these offices constituted the grounding of the ATHEX policy in the particular characteristics of the area, we chose to hit this mouse and contribute to weakening one of the few remaining dynamic kernels. The ongoing attacks on migrant workers in the region, the action of the mass media in Menidi with their involvement in the anti-Roma pogrom in 2017, but also the publicly declared anti-labor policy of the Golden Dawn were some of the pieces of the mosaic that set our action against them.
In recent years, with more tension than in 2016, ongoing murderous attacks of fascists against migrant workers in the municipalities of Acharnon and Fili are taking place. With knives, punches and woods, organized groups of fascists target migrants who work 12 hours for a few euros, set them up and attack them either inside their home or at work, such as in the Upper Libyan People’s Market or on the way home in their workplace and vice versa, or even on the routes of the Lower Patissia-Menidi line (755) where in June 2017 groups of fascists attacked anyone who thought they was a drug addict or immigrant.
The AMEs (Unaligned Meanders Nationalists) by pressing on the ground that had been set up by the public interventions of the Golden Dawn in the region, escalated their activity in Menidi in June 2017, after the 11-year-old Marius’s unjust murder from a stray bullet, launching racist attacks against the Roma. Taking responsibility for molotov attacks in Roma homes, they uploaded photos on their blog with swastikas and racist slogans accompanied by their texts that said “the fighters of the organization are for the sixth day and fight side by side with the heroic inhabitants of Menidi.”
By studying history, we find that folk justice has come only when grassroots self-defense and resistance factions were formed to deny the white terrorism, the violence and the terrorism of the capitalist regime in dignity.
The popular combat forces are marking their way. With their own forces, they are the only ones that can strengthen the conflict against the capitalist regime and its organs. And it is clear that in order to strengthen and increase the popular and revolutionary forces that promote conflict with the regime, they must make concrete struggles against subordination, fear and the defeat that endeavors to enforce the hostile camp. They have to realize that the parliamentary road to overthrow capitalism is a fraud.
“We may not be acquainted with each other, but we are joining together dreams, common struggles, common ways of creating life, feeling that we move in the same time, in the same space, tuned in the same step towards the emancipatory dream. ” -D. Koufontinas
We dedicate the arson attack on the offices of the Golden Dawn to the unprejudiced revolutionary D. Koufontinas, integrating our movement into the broader multilateral solidarity movement that has been developing lately in support of our comrade on the occasion of the hunger strike that the SYRIZA government, the opposition, judges and prosecutors and the known embassies (US, England, Turkey) who intervened and controlled the country’s emergencies, urged him to start.
Comrade Dimitris chose the upward road of conflict with the capitalist regime, placing all his existence in the camp of fighting resistance and social revolution. He placed his soul as a rebel, his body as a hunger striker, the transmissibility of his experience to the next generations through his books.
The regime is now redeeming him for his life imprisonment in the dungeons of bourgeois democracy.
November 17, the “crime” has made the red thread of resistance appear again, inspired by popular resistance to the conquerors and their associates, inspired by the thousands of fighters who breathed their last breath in the EAT-EAW detention facilities, prisons and the glorious gate of the Polytechnic.
Today, the anti-fascist fighting movement, which is mainly expressed by the anarchist world, has done much by using all forms of struggle and the means of struggle. The limited political life of fascists throughout Greece and the shrinking of their electoral percentages in the European elections are also the result of the aggressive policy of the anti-fascist movement against the fascist threat through the constant rotation of “legitimate” and illegal forms of struggle.
The shrinking of their electoral rates and their temporary inability to re-establish the military arm of their actions does not naturally imply complacency and relaxation for the anti-fascist movement.
Taking into account the parliamentary defeat and shrinking of their percentages, they will remain what they have always been: the battalion of the right wing and the statist capitalist system against the anarchist and communist threat.
Durruti Brigade
From: https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1598454/
via: amwenglish.

June 30, 2019
by actforfreedom
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(CZ): Trial with the accused in Fenix 2

Trial with the accused in Fenix 2
On July 1th and 3th, 2019, the trial with 4 anarchists and one environmentalist accused in operation Fenix 2 will be taking place at the district court of Most, every day at 8:30 a.m. Come to support them at the courthouse or by any solidarity action. Let them know you are not apathetic to their future as you are not towards the freedom of all of us. Any way of expressing support is welcomed!

June 30, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Fraguas resiste

Fraguas resiste

Escribimos estas líneas desde Fraguas, un pueblo okupado y rehabilitado en la Sierra Norte de Guadalajara. Pueblo que hace 6 años no eran más que ruinas y que mediante el trabajo y la ilusión de cientos de personas que han apoyado este proyecto autogestionado, asambleario sin jerarquías, con el principio de sustentabilidad con el medio natural que lo rodea, aprendiendo día a día a sostenernos cada vez menos atadxs al sistema capitalista, cuidando la tierra y recogiendo sus frutos, sin dañarla y aprendiendo a vivir en ella, ya que desde que nacimos sólo fuimos enseñadxs a explotarla. Practicando una existencia coleciva y no cayendo en el individualismo competitivo que promueve el modelo productivo capitalista.
Rehabilitando con los materiales que nos da la tierra, las ruinas que mediante la expropiación fraudulenta en un primer momento dejó el estado franquista en el 68, expulsando para siempre a sus antiguos habitantes por un puñado de pesetas y para ser condenadxs a una vida de trabajo asalariado en la mayoría de los casos; y más tarde las prácticas militares que se llevaron a cabo en los 90.

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June 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
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Greece: News 25/6/19, concerning anarchist comrade Kostas Sakkas

As an act of revenge the comrade has been transferred to the basement of the women’s prison of Korydallos in Athens  in order to attend the ongoing trial for the “Thieves of Distomos” case.
The transfer service recorded him as a prisoner to the men’s prisons of Koridallos. At this time he is being irregularly imprisoned in another prison and in a special detention regime with a ban on visits and deprivation of basic formalities, since he is typically “invisible”.
The involvement of the anti-terrorist police is evident in this event and reveals its fury towards unrepentant militants such as Comrade Kostas Sakkas by deciding on the transfer of detainees judged to be “particularly dangerous”. 




ps: more info’s:
Updates 19.6.19 , for anarchist comrades K. Sakkas and G. Dimitrakis
Text from Gannis, Kostas and Dimitra, from the dungeons of the General Police headquarters 16/6/2019
Updates 13.6.19, about the arrests of 3 anarchist comrades during an expropriation
About the arrests of 3 comrades during an expropriation

June 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France , Caen (Normandie) : Temps d’encre Rencontres autour de publications anarchistes , 28 juin 2019, 29 juin 2019 , 30 juin 2019

France , Caen (Normandie) : Temps d’encre Rencontres autour de publications anarchistes , 28 juin 2019, 29 juin 2019 , 30 juin 2019

Pour que l’idée ne flétrisse pas, il faut l’action pour la revigorer. Pour que l’action ne tourne pas en rond, il faut l’idée pour l’enchanter.
C’est peut-être là que se tisse le véritable fil noir de l’histoire tumultueuse de l’anarchisme, qui est en même temps sa proposition de lutte : auto-organisation, action directe, conflictualité permanente avec l’autorité sous toutes ses formes.
Ces Rencontres autour de publications anarchistes sont une occasion sous forme d’invitation pour celles et ceux qui sont à la recherche d’idées critiques, qui cherchent à agir, qui se révoltent contre ce monde mortifère d’oppression, d’exploitation et d’autorité.
Une occasion, et un défi en même temps, pour mettre en relief ce foisonnement anarchiste qui se diffuse au travers de publications, d’agitation, de locaux, d’interventions, d’actions et de luttes – et qui exprime, en proposant la destruction du pouvoir plutôt que son aménagement, le bouleversement total plutôt que la réforme, la concordance entre moyens et fins plutôt que la stratégie politique, l’éthique plutôt que le calcul, une perspective révolutionnaire à approfondir et à défendre.
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June 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
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“From Stonewall to Hamilton”: Posters in Support of Cedar

In solidarity with the recent call to action on June 28th in support of Cedar and other queer and trans anarchists facing repression at the hands of the police, we present the following posters to be put up in autonomous spaces, in your community, and on the streets.
Color PDF Poster
Black and White PDF Poster
Free Cedar Now!
ON June 15th, 2019 in Hamilton, Ontario, Pride was attacked by a group of far-right homophobes, christian fundamentalists, neo-nazis, and queer bashers. They arrived with massive homophobic signs and banners, and immediately began to scream insults and slurs. They aggressively harassed individuals, made jokes about rape, and threatened physical violence. Things quickly escalated as the bigots violently confronted people who were holding a fabric barrier in an attempt to block them from disrupting Pride. Initiated by the far-right activists a brawl broke out – queers who refused to allow their presence to go unchallenged were attacked, but fought back. Several friends were injured and required medical attention. After being kicked out of Pride, this same group chased and assaulted queer youth in the neighbourhood, and then went on to attack people at Toronto Pride the following week.

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June 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
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Solidarity With Queer and Trans Anarchists in Hamilton, Ontario in Canada

A statement in solidarity with those facing repression in so-called Ontario and beyond for the crime of defending themselves against far-Right attacks.
A friend put it best when they said that Hamilton cops “kicked a hornet’s nest” in their recent arrest of our beloved Cedar and continued targeting of queer and trans anarchists in so-called Hamilton, Ontario. Indeed, we are an outraged bunch of queer and trans anarchists living in the so-called United States who see much of our own identities and struggles reflected in the ongoing situation in Hamilton, and seek to express our ongoing support and solidarity with Cedar and their comrades in this challenging time.

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June 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
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Leipzig, Germany: Eurovia-Vinci Construction Vehicle Torched in Solidarity with Anna and Sylvia

We hate prisons, many of our comrades are held in them, some are tortured, and prisons are at the heart of enforcing the established order. Vinci builds prisons, this vehicle belonged to them, so we wanted to set it on fire. So the train of thought that led to the destruction of the road construction vehicle on June 24 was actually quite simple.
We could also present this matter in a slightly different way: We live in a world where it is too complicated to be able to say clearly what is connected to what. As such, the people repairing the road would be working for some subsidiary of the Vinci corporate network, one of the largest construction companies in the world. They have nothing to do with prisons. The road construction vehicle was probably not used for the construction of prisons. Are despicable activities by one part of a huge company enough to strike at every other part of this company? Why torch this specific vehicle instead of going to a prison site and attacking there?

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June 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Anathema A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical Volume 5 Issue 3

Anathema A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical Volume 5 Issue 3

Volume 5 Issue 3 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)

Volume 5 Issue 3 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)

In this issue:

    Racist Cops
    What Went Down
    Youth Migrant Jail
    Talking Repression
    A-Space Conflict
    Giannis Escapes!
    American Sonnet


June 28, 2019
by actforfreedom


Saturday, 29th of June 2019 18:00
Anarchistische Bibbliothek Fermento, Zweierstrasse 42 8004 Zürich (Anarchist library Fermento)
The exchange of views and experiences between comrades from different places has always enriched the ways anarchists think, act and organise.
Working in this direction, a chronicle of the social war in greece will be presented, starting from the insurrection of 2008 until today. Anarchists’ actions and their role in the movements that developed within these years will be thus summarised, by highlighting important pieces. There will be also expressed experiences and thoughts on the different ways of self- organisation that have been tried, the collective reflexes of the anarchist scene and the polymorphism in the analysis and action.
The presentation and the following discussion will be in english but whisper-translation can be offered

June 26, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on UK,Bristol: Solidarity graffiti for anarchist prisoners by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

UK,Bristol: Solidarity graffiti for anarchist prisoners by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

For June 11 – Solidarity for long term anarchist prisoners
Just outside the city limits of Bristol tucked away in the dark is a poultry farm (Ivy Farm) owned by P&S Mitchell LTD. Located in Whitchurch Lane, Dundry, the birds never see the light of day. Despite the CCTV, the grain silo and broiler house were both spray-painted with the words “Animal Prison”.
A new McDonalds restaurant that is not welcome is being built in Fishponds Road, but maybe the “Burger Off!” posters in local’s front windows isn’t enough. Graffiti was sprayed inside the building site – “McWork Prison”.

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June 26, 2019
by actforfreedom
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Italy: Updates on the anarchists arrested for the “Prometeo” operation (25/06/2019)

 After the arrests of 21 May 2019 for the repressive operation “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”), Robert and Beppe were imprisoned in the Opera prison in Milan until June 21st, while Natascia was imprisoned in France.
In the maximum security prison of Opera, Robert and Beppe spent an entire month in isolation in section 41bis, as there is no AS2 section [“High Surveillance 2”], with only an hour a day of “socializing” by being able to see each other, and the rest of the day with the barrier closed. This “illegal” regime was reported to the judge, PM and guarantor of the detainees, especially since the isolation had not been requested by the judge, but nothing changed for a month.
Saturday, May 25th, a warm greeting of solidarity under the prison was heard and welcomed.
Talks have been authorized for those who have requested it; letters and books have been received and sent even if slowly, they have received money and packages with clothes and food with some arbitrary prohibition on the passage of certain things by the guards (apparently cooked white rice and books with photos of mountain landscapes have been incomprehensibly incriminated). In particular, Beppe received several ill-treatment by the guards, including homophobic insults, missed access to the showers for 3 days, he was not given food for at least twice and after the colloquy he was left alone for at least two hours in a small room before being returned to the cell.

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June 26, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rome, Italy: Phone mast torched in solidarity with anarchists prisoners on hunger strike

Rome, Italy: Phone mast torched in solidarity with anarchists prisoners on hunger strike

 ROMA – 12th JUNE
insuscettibile di ravvedimento