May 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Berlin, Germany: For a Black May – Attack Against Securitas by ‘Free Foxes’ FAI-FRI

Berlin, Germany: For a Black May – Attack Against Securitas by ‘Free Foxes’ FAI-FRI

“Burn all prisons, with or without walls!” The call for a Subversive May, as an extension of the proposal for an Anarchist May 1st in Berlin, is understood by us as a call to extend the attack on different levels. We agree with the idea not to confine ourselves to one day but to constantly and unpredictably attack the functioning of existing society and prove that its security is an illusion.
The apparatus of power includes not only the murderers of the State, but also the mercenaries of the private security companies. Securitas vehicles once parked undisturbed in the GESOBAG housing estate where they act as security guards to prevent the intervention of cops during conflicts with tenants or tensions with the property management. Securitas is also engaged in surveillance work in prisons and public spaces worldwide.

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May 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Update on operation “Scintilla”, Turin

Italy : Update on operation “Scintilla”, Turin

Update from Turin

Operazione Scintilla
Beppe and Antonio free, Boba arrested.

Freely translated from the Turin blog “Macerie”, 23 May 2019

**Antonio and Beppe released.
Antonio and Beppe were released on the 6th of May 2019. They must report to the police every day.
Silvia remains in prison because she is charged with an additional crime.
More about Silvia: Article on (in German)

Silvia’s address:
Silvia Ruggeri
Via Amiternina 3
67100 L’Aquila (AQ)

** New arrest: Boba ***

On the night of Wednesday, May 22, 2019, after 11 p.m., the police
knocked on the door of Boba, Mitzi and Victor under the pretext of delivering a verbal warning for the comrade. Once in the house, they also pulled a warrant for Boba’s arrest out of their pockets.

The investigation is linked to the first initiatives taken against the Operazione Scintilla, in particular an episode in the Vallette
neighborhood at the end of the anti-fascist demonstration against the annual fascist commemoration of the “Foibe”. That evening, the confectionery of the Vallette prison caught fire. Boba’s charge is arson (art. 423), with a penalty of three to seven years, with the aggravating circumstance (art. 425) that the act was committed on “public buildings […] intended for residential use […], on accumulations of
combustible or explosive material”.

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May 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on New English edition of Orkanen (eng: The Hurricane), an anarchist newspaper from Copenhagen, Denmark

New English edition of Orkanen (eng: The Hurricane), an anarchist newspaper from Copenhagen, Denmark

Links to PDF:

 Read on the screen:



Hearts of night
 – About the falseness & absense of darkness in society and life.

An attack on identity politics
 – Self-expl.

 – Self-expl.

Black Horizons
 – A pace towards the unknown future of anarchy. Continue Reading →

May 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on June 11, 2019: On Taking It All Down by Sean Swain

June 11, 2019: On Taking It All Down by Sean Swain

Hope I’m still alive and kicking this June 11. It’s possible that I’m facing imminent death. Now, don’t panic. Okay. Wait. Please panic a little bit. It will make me feel loved and valued. If you don’t at all, that would hurt my feelings.
It all started with an article posted for last June 11 that advocated the use of drones to drop guns into prisons. The creepy sexual-predator lawyer for the ODRC who groped me in 2013 – Trevor Matthew Clark – wrote up a ridiculous conduct report accusing me of rioting and gang activity and extortion related to that online posting. You can check it out here. It must be worth reading, as prison officials tried to kill me for it.

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May 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Anathema A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical : Volume 5 Issue 2

Anathema A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical : Volume 5 Issue 2

In this issue:

    What is a Collective?
    Tactics Innovation Update
    What Went Down
    Whither the Insurrection II
    Representation is Indirect Action
    Galleanist Centennial
    Vaughn 17 Update
    In Memory of Mauricio Morales
    World News
    Immanent Immigration Arrests
    Go-Gurt Reportback
    Whereas (Poem)

May 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on June 11, 2019 statement from Marius Mason

June 11, 2019 statement from Marius Mason

I can hardly believe that it has been another year passing and it is J11 again. I am so thankful for this annual touch point as an opportunity to reach out to my community on the outside and to take stock of the year. It is hard to take in that I have been locked up for more than a decade, and even more sobering to realize how many comrades have been incarcerated for MULTIPLE decades. They have my infinite admiration for maintaining their integrity and for keeping their vision alive through so many years.
I always want to thank all the good folks who do solidarity events to mark this day. I am sure that as I do, all of the anarchist prisoners draw much strength and courage from knowing that you all have our back and have worked so hard to send that immense love across borders and through the bars. There has been way too much hate and “othering” around borders these days. It’s a powerful message to send love instead, and to question the legitimacy of any borders that separate or devalue us as living beings, all equally sharing this planet.

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May 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on 21 May, Italy: Three comrades were arrested (“Prometeo” repressive operation)

21 May, Italy: Three comrades were arrested (“Prometeo” repressive operation)

 We learn of the arrest of anarchists comrades Natascia, Beppe and Robert, which took place on 21 May, 2019, and was carried out by the ROS of carabinieri as part of a repressive operation called “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”). Some searches have also been carried out.
The regime’s media report that the main accusation is of “attack with the purpose of terrorism or subversion”, as they are considered responsible for sending three bomb packages arrived in June 2017 to the p. m. Rinaudo and Sparagna (the latter is the public prosecutor in the trial for the “Scripta manent” operation) and to Santi Consolo, at the time director of the DAP (“Department of Penitentiary Administration”) in Rome.
Waiting for more information we report the only address we know of:
Robert Firozpoor
Casa di Reclusione di Opera
via Camporgnago 40
20141 Milano
Italia [Italy]

May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rome, Italy: For a Subversive May (07/05/2019)

Rome, Italy: For a Subversive May (07/05/2019)

Despite the fact that our action is usually driven by the need to overcome the frustration and sense of powerlessness that this system of oppression would force us into, this time some thoughts have been buzzing around in our heads and we would like to communicate them. We realized that going around lighting up the night with targeted fires is a practice that is spreading. 
Specific objectives such as vehicles of companies involved in projects of dominion (such as wars, the construction of detention centres, forced repatriations, etc.), technological network infrastructures (such as laboratories, antenna repeaters, fibre optic exchanges and companies that manage them or collaborate with them) are being attacked more frequently and with simple and easily available means. 

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May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Florence, Italy : Like Paganini: I don’t repeat!*

Florence, Italy : Like Paganini: I don’t repeat!*

I stood there, stacked like a pylon in the concrete, in that once-shadowy city of brigands, bandits and adventures now gleaming with shop windows and filthy rich. 
Let’s face it, my life was a deadly bore: I repeated, repeated, repeated! 
And so, one beautiful night almost a week ago, I decided to quit, lighting myself up. 
Taking as an example the many that have preceded me far and wide around the world, I committed suicide, to reaffirm my freedom from the yoke of the compulsion to repeat!
Thanks to the firelighter and petrol for helping me out! 
A warm (the appropriate word!) hug to those who chooses to follow my example! 
Repeaters of the world unite … in a huge bonfire!

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May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece: Attack Against Kaisariani Police Station

Athens, Greece: Attack Against Kaisariani Police Station

Orchestrating Melodies of Destruction
May 14th was not an ordinary night for the cops at Kaisariani Police Station. Just before 4AM, while the city slept in darkness and the cops slept in their laziness, we woke them up with the deafening melody of the fire that perfectly accompanied their high-pitched screams. The spectacle was completed by sounds of explosions and the screams of some unlucky cops who caught on fire and ended up in hospital.
The unrepentant urban guerrilla and political prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas is once again on hunger strike to demand the granting of regular furloughs from prison. The prison authorities and some prosecutors acting as a vanguard along with SYRIZA are applying political and physical pressure, targeting the comrade, denying him permission and presenting him with the following ultimatum of extortion: you will renounce your values or we will cut off your furloughs. We for our part do not let time go to waste. Every minute his request is not met, our hatred grows, and we are preparing new actions with greater escalation. If Dimitris Koufontinas suffers anything the consequences will be unmanageable. We will burn you alive.

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May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile: Hunger Strike Begins at High Security Prison in Santiago

Chile: Hunger Strike Begins at High Security Prison in Santiago

On May 16, 23 inmates of 3H North unit of the High Security Prison began an indefinite liquid and hunger strike as part of the national resistance movement in prisons

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May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens Kolonos Area : Molotov Attack on Police Protecting Golden Dawn in Athens

Athens Kolonos Area : Molotov Attack on Police Protecting Golden Dawn in Athens

Police forces protecting a scheduled speech of the candidate of Golden Dawn were attacked with molotov cocktails in the Kolonos neighborhood of Athens on Friday.
Golden Dawn is the neo-Nazi party of Greece. Revolutionaries in Greece have frequently fought the rise of fascism and the police who defend fascism with militant direct action.
via: .amwenglish.

May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France : Police Ambushed in Goussainville

France : Police Ambushed in Goussainville

On May 14, a trap set by a band of about twenty people with masked faces, and wearing hoods. That’s what was waiting for the police on rue Malcom-X, in Goussainville, on the night of Monday to Tuesday, around 2 o’clock in the morning. Police officers patrolled the street when they were blocked by a Mini parked in the middle of the lane.
The occupants of the vehicle immediately fled towards Danielle-Casanova Square. Just out of their van, the police were taken to task by about twenty individuals. The band threw stones at them and then, quickly, three Molotov cocktails were thrown, two on the police van, one in the cockpit of the Mini, which immediately caught fire.
Forced, the police return to their van under a shower of stones, and restart. Several of the officials were hit by projectiles at the back. They were forced back into the van, feeling in desperation by ramming the burning Mini.
Translated by AMWEnglish

May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Madrid, Spain: Antiterrorist operation against anarchism

Madrid, Spain: Antiterrorist operation against anarchism

Solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists
On the morning of 13 May a new antiterrorist operation against anarchism struck in Tétouan (a Madrid neighbourhood). The anarchist space La Emboscada [the ambush] and another squatted house were raided by members of la Brigade d’information and the anti-riot police. The operation resulted in two arrests. We bear in mind the Pandora, Piñata, Ice and the one that is still keeping Lisa behind bars.

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May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on ($hile) Claim for two explosive devices placed at the Service of Internal Taxes

($hile) Claim for two explosive devices placed at the Service of Internal Taxes

Wednesday 8, Black May.
We installed two explosive devices in the building of the Service of Internal Taxes (SII), located at 281 General del Canto Street, Providencia.
In the face of progress and development, materialized today in projects such as TPP-11 and the APEC Summit, we recognize the need to lift different forms of organization, betting on the proliferation of links, spaces and networks that converge in attack and resistance.
With this action we remember the anarchists Mauricio Morales and Zoé Aveilla, who risked everything for a world free of domination.
via: 325

May 22, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Saint-Jean-Bonnefonds (Loire), France : Fire at Eurovia

Saint-Jean-Bonnefonds (Loire), France : Fire at Eurovia

Le Progrès / Tuesday May 14 2019

Fire broke out within the Eurovia company [a company that belongs to the infamous Vinci group] in Saint-Jean-Bonnefonds during Monday to Tuesday night at around 2.45am. Several fire-fighters of the barracks of the Saint Etienne agglomeration converged at the chemin de Littes. When they arrived, four trucks, two excavators and several utility vehicles in the company car park had already been destroyed by the flames. Rescuers had to deploy three fire hoses to prevent the fire spreading to the administrative building.

Police have opened an investigation: the arson thesis is that favoured by the investigators. In fact, three separate ignition points were identified. The damage would amount to almost a million euros. Technical unemployment is expected, as well as delays in work in progress on the site. Continue Reading →

May 18, 2019
by actforfreedom


The logic of the prison, its categorisation of ‘good citizens’, the ‘innocent’ and the ‘criminal’ and the ‘guilty’, its colonisation of time; its punishment by the hours that drip away, all its routine brutalities, its petty pecking orders, its enforcement of servility, the breaking of rebellious spirit— this logic is both the way our society disappears its problems and paradoxically how everything within it really functions.

We have held two demos outside pentonville recently, on each occasion those hostages of the state on the wings that could see us crowded at the barred windows, screamed aloud for their freedom and set fires in their cells. Three times we have gone out in numbers in solidarity against the prison industrial complex and its functionaries, to fill the night with a message of liberation, and our rage of accomplices with the incarcerated.

London is a gentrified, policed and surveilled castle where laws made to kidnap the poor have their immediate correlate in the looming threat of repression which any rebel faces when she decides to act to reclaim his life. All around the world the irreducibles who turn words into action find themselves encircled by this monster whose monument we intend to disrupt and agitate against again.

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May 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rome, Italy: ENI “Enjoy” service cars attacked

Rome, Italy: ENI “Enjoy” service cars attacked

On a night in late March we have positioned incendiary devices and triggers to set fire to five cars of ENI Enjoy car sharing service.
Attack the State and its neo-colonial interests without delay.
Solidarity and closeness with the arrested and the investigated for Scintilla and Renata operations.
A fiery red greeting to the prisoners of Scripta Manent and Panico operations.
To all the imprisoned and fugitives anarchists in the world, strength!
via:: insuscettibilediravvedimento

May 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Zurich, Switzerland: Pre-trial detention of the comrade has been extended

Zurich, Switzerland: Pre-trial detention of the comrade has been extended

The preventative detention of the comrade arrested on 29 January 2019 was extended for another three months early in May. Apart from that, his situation has not changed. He is still imprisoned in Zurich Prison and the law continues to justify his preventive detention with ‘risk of going on the run’ and ‘connivance’ until the investigation is closed.
Mail can still be sent to the comrade through the anarchist library “Fermento”. In a letter made public, the comrade wrote about what interests him in particular: “I look forward to getting news and analyses of what is happening in the world, anarchist publications (to be sent in appropriate envelopes), also of course letters from comrades and friends.

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May 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Words from anarchist Luca Dolce (Stecco) from the prison of Tolmezzo

Italy : Words from anarchist Luca Dolce (Stecco) from the prison of Tolmezzo

 insuscettibilediravvedimento on 2019/05/10
Translated by act for freedom now!
Note: Anarchist comrade Stecco was arrested on 19th February 2019 in repressive operation ‘Renata’, where seven anarchists were arrested (one of them was immediately put under house arrest) and accused according to articles 270bis (four of them) and 280 (all) of the penal code, plus related offences referring to direct actions that took place in the Trentino region over the past two years. In March judges of the court of review decided that the charges that had been pressed initially were non-existent, dropping the aggravating circumstance of ‘terrorism’. The imprisoned comrades are being held in AS2 units in the prisons of Ferrara, Tolmezzo and L’Aquila.[Update: all the anarchist comrades involved in operation ‘Renata’ are now under house arrest with all the restrictions. Only Stecco remains in prison due to previous sentences]
Words from Stecco from the prison of Tolmezzo
Dear comrades,
The time has come for me to say something about what happened in February.
Less than two months have passed since our arrest with operation ‘Renata’, and I can say that I’m calm and strong, as sure as ever that the struggle continues in spite of the blows inflicted by the State. 
My arrest in Turin, in the vicinity of Corso Giulio, took place at around 5pm quite peacefully. As I was leaving the comrade I had been with, I noticed a typical plain clothes policeman in front of me at a tram stop; a few seconds later I found myself surrounded. I can say that all this happened in great tranquillity, and with annoying ‘kindness’ I’d say, unlike the way my comrades in Trentino were treated.

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