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indonesia / philippines / australia / workplace struggles mercoledì maggio 01, 2019 20:57 byMelbourne Anarchist Communist Group
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The only way out is struggle. We, the working class, must organise in the teeth of all obstructions. We must build the unions that the officials manifestly can’t build by themselves. We must use our vital weapon, the strike, and if the officials won’t help, we must act without them. And we must build solidarity across borders, because only international solidarity can beat the power of global capital. Standing together, in defiance of nationalism, we will have built a movement that embodies the values of a new and better world, a movement which also has the power to create that world. We can make a revolution to overthrow capitalism and create libertarian communism, worldwide.

See also:

"1ero de Mayo desde el sur de Bogotá" Encuentro por la Autonomía

"[Colombia] Desde el sur y con la gente, primero de mayo combatiente" Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista

"O 1º de Maio e a Luta contra a Reforma da Previdência: Construir uma Greve Geral desde a base para defender nas ruas a nossa aposentadoria!" Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB)

"Η τραγωδία του Haymarket" Mother Jones (IWW)

"Resistamos a Duque, organicemos un nuevo movimiento sindical y popular. 1ero de mayo 2019" Grupo Libertario Vía Libre

"1 de Mayo en Argentina" Organización Resistencia Anarquista (ORA)

"Tek Damla Yağmurla Başlar Her Fırtına – 1 Mayıs 2019" Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF)

bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / workplace struggles giovedì aprile 25, 2019 00:19 byFranz García
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Lo cierto es que no estamos frente un mártir ni un ejemplo digno de nada, sino ante un hecho político e histórico que nos enrostra la capacidad del poder corrupto y neoliberal de evadir responsabilidades, y que incluso puede usar una tragedia para seguir construyendo muros de protección y evasión de la verdad. Los allegados de García se empeñan en decir que solo la historia lo juzgará, como pretendiendo limpiar su nombre y darle un lugar privilegiado en la memoria nacional. Nosotros, desde los movimientos sociales y la clase trabajadora, decimos que es cierto que la historia le dará el sitial que le corresponde, pero no como hombre digno, sino como un genocida y corrupto que murió sin responder por sus culpas. El pueblo no olvida.

aotearoa / pacific islands / anti-fascism martedì marzo 26, 2019 06:34 byAWSM
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To really understand the nature of the occurrence of racism and white supremacy then the present system we live under, capitalism has to be examined, and how it has used racism and continues to use it, to its own benefit for controlling and dividing workers.

internacional / movimento anarquista martedì marzo 26, 2019 01:59 byELAOPA
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XIII Encontro Latino Americano de Organizações Populares e Autônomas

Nós das organizações reunidas nos dias 02 e 03 de março de 2019 no XIII Encontro Latino Americano de Organizações Populares e Autônomas, reafirmamos nosso compromisso com as lutas dos de baixo, com independência e solidariedade de classe, democracia de base e ação direta popular.

Frente a uma realidade cada vez mais dura para os e as oprimidas, de retirada de direitos, precarização de nossa vida, avanço conservador, criminalização e extermínio dos pobres, do povo negro e dos povos indígenas, do feminicídio e da lgbtttfobia, nos cabe o ENFRENTAMENTO e a RESISTÊNCIA.


venezuela / colombia / género sabato marzo 09, 2019 10:07 byEncuentro por la Autonomía y la Vida Digna
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Este 8 de marzo salimos a la calles y nos movilizamos para conmemorar historias de luchas protagonizadas por mujeres para el pleno disfrute de la vida. Este 8 de marzo nos movilizamos en todo el mundo por las históricas y nuevas demandas que se han forjado al calor de la organización de mujeres y del movimiento feminista. Este 8 de marzo salimos a las calles para seguir acumulando fuerzas y hacerle frente al giro neo-conservador que aqueja al mundo con gobiernos abiertamente misóginos, homofóbicos, defensores de la mal llamada familia tradicional, la propiedad privada y el capita

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Neste 8 de Março, levantamos mais uma vez a nossa voz e os nossos punhos pela vida das mulheres!

Neste 8 de Março, levantamos mais uma vez a nossa voz e os nossos punhos pela vida das mulheres!

mar 04 giu, 16:25

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acg.jpg imageInterview with the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) from Great Britain giu 02 21:17 by Die Plattform 0 comments

We are happy to present you our interview with the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) from Great Britain. The organization is relatively new. They are active in four regions: West Yorshire, Leicestershire, Surry and London. To connect internationally with other organizations is an important part of our current work to establish our Federation. An interview of the ACG with us is also already in planning. For now we wish you a pleasant lecture with this one.

In international solidarity towards anarchistic communism!

fau_mayo.jpeg imageCarta Opinión de la fAu. 20 de Mayo 2019 mag 30 01:13 by Federación Anarquista Uruguaya 0 comments

Carta Opinión de la Federación Anarquista Uruguaya. 20 de Mayo 2019

zelmar_fau.jpg imageZelmar Dutra: una vida de combate por el socialismo y la libertad mag 29 00:55 by Jon 0 comments

Zelmar quedó para siempre entre nosotros. No se fue, está aquí. Mientras haya lucha por una sociedad distinta, socialista libertaria, estará entre nosotros. No es una frase formal, su trayectoria nos seguirá diciendo mucho y por ello es que lo sentiremos ahí.

Nathaniel Clavijo - fAu (Federación Anarquista Uruguaya) image“Desde el punto de vista del poder, en las elecciones no se disputa nada” mag 29 00:51 by Nathaniel Clavijo 0 comments

Nathaniel Clavijo es militante de fAu (Federación Anarquista uruguaya). En esta entrevista hablamos de la condición “especifista” de su organización. De las características de ese “partido” anarquista no electoral y de las diferencias metodológicas con los partidos de ideología marxista. Desde ese lugar tan particular reflexionó sobre la relación entre los grupos políticos y las organizaciones sociales.

encabezado_far.jpg imageFernández x 2: la “fórmula” para desmovilizar mag 29 00:40 by Federación Anarquista de Rosario 0 comments

Podríamos gastar tinta y utilizar varios párrafos en describir lo que representa la figura de Alberto Fernández, tanto por sus orígenes (Menem, Cavallo, Duhalde) como por sus vinculaciones (Papel Prensa, Clarín, Repsol, Embajada Norteamericana). Sin embargo, nuestra línea de análisis intenta ir por otro carril que no es el de la denuncia o el vuelo intelectual. Para ello debemos recaer en los abrumadores números vertidos en el último número de nuestra prensa: 260 mil despidos el último año, índices records de desocupación y pobreza, y una pérdida de más 15 puntos del salario con respecto a la inflación. Luego de 3 años y medio de ajuste brutal, el inicio de un año difícil para los y las de abajo generó hasta aquí presión en las calles, a través de sucesivas medidas sectoriales y unitarias, cuyo desenlace expuso a la cúpula de la CGT, que no tuvo más salida que convocar a un Paro General el 29 de mayo.

saftu1024x768.jpg imageRebuilding the workers’ movement for counter-power, justice and self-management mag 28 17:53 by Lucien van der Walt 0 comments

Don't abandon the unions, or take sides in inter-union rivalries. Build a serious, organised, non-sectarian project of democratic reform and political discussion that spans the unions, including a rank-and-file movement that fosters debate, and opens the treasure-chest of union and left history and theory. Recover the politics of disconnecting from the state as raised by, for example, Occupy and the Rojava Revolution. Replace reliance on the state and parties with struggle, and destructive inter-union rivalry with a serious project of working class counter-power.

onstrike.png imageNon-violent action: Direct and “direct” mag 27 11:45 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 0 comments

What is required is a movement that knows the police are the attack dogs of the enemy and they are to be resisted with all the strength and intelligence we can muster. We need a movement that wants to #StopAdani directly, a movement that will create facts on the ground that the Government cannot ignore. And this movement, in challenging the State, will inevitably look beyond it, to a new society with no State and no cops, and where capitalism is no more.

acgflag3x2small752x440.jpg imageDie plattform: Interview mit der Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) aus Großbritannien mag 26 02:30 by die plattform 0 comments

Wir freuen uns euch dieses Interview präsentieren zu können, welches wir im April 2019 mit der “Anarchist Communist Group” (ACG) aus Großbritannien geführt haben. Die Organisation ist vergleichsweise neu und ist aktuell mit West Yorkshire, Leicestershire, Surrey und London in 4 Regionen aktiv. Auch das Knüpfen von internationalen Kontakten ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer aktuellen Aufbauarbeit. Die Genoss*innen werden andersherum auch ein Interview mit uns führen, Aber nun wünschen wir euch erst einmal viel Freude mit dem bereits vorhandenen und – wie wir finden – spannenden Interview mit der ACG. Gemeinsam vorwärts zum anarchistischen Kommunismus!

die plattform April 2019 -

elections.jpg imageDon’t mention the emergency mag 17 06:40 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 0 comments

On 18 May, enrolled voters in Australia will decide which members of the capitalist class will represent us in Parliament and crush us in government for the next three years. This election occurs at a time when the world has been informed that it has, at most, until 2030 to take effective action to stop and begin reversing climate change, or risk crossing tipping points into runaway temperature rises that would kill billions and endanger industrial civilisation. So you’d think the major players would be presenting plans to fix it. But no, this is Australian capitalist democracy and we get something different.

brazilseries_2.jpg imageBrazil's right-wing rising – Part 3: The oil plants sell out mag 16 14:42 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

Part 3 of an audio series debating the reasons for the right-wing rising in Brazil, contextualising and analysing the rise of Bolsonaro and the right-wing in Brazil. Part 1 | Part 2

r0_0_800_600_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg imageDefend Julian Assange mag 13 23:17 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Grouptri 0 comments

The MACG thus defends Julian Assange, not because of his politics, which have curdled and are now quite suspect, nor because we consider him innocent of the Swedish accusations. The US ruling class has no objection to his politics, because they are riddled with the sort of people with whom he has been collaborating. And neither do they have any objection to sexual assault – if they did, Donald Trump would not be President. The United States wants to punish him, not for any crimes he might have committed, but for his good deeds. The MACG defend Assange for those same good deeds.

ke2_601.jpg imageZweite Ausgabe der Kollektiven Einmischung: Organisationsplattform der Allgemeinen Anarchi... mag 13 19:10 by die plattform 0 comments

Einleitung von der plattform

Mit dieser Broschüre hältst du den Anstoß für den Plattformistischen Anarchismus von 1926 in der Hand. Viele anarchistische Zusammenhänge auf der ganzen Welt beziehen sich auf die Grundannahmen dieses Textes bis heute. Auch uns, die wir uns vorgenommen haben, das plattformistische Model in der anarchistischen Bewegung im deutschsprachigen Raum zu etablieren, hat dieser Text mit beeinflusst.

brazilseries_1.jpg imageBrazil's right-wing rising – Part 2: The ultra right wing government elected in Brazil mag 13 15:40 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

Part 2 of an audio series debating the reasons for the right-wing rising in Brazil, contextualising and analysing the rise of Bolsonaro and the right-wing in Brazil. Part 1 | Part 3

brazilseries.jpg imageBrazil's right-wing rising – Part 1 mag 10 17:35 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

Part 1 of an audio series debating the reasons for the right-wing rising in Brazil, contextualising and analysing the rise of Bolsonaro and the right-wing in Brazil. Part 2 | Part 3

textPKK can seize this opportunity before President Erdogan grab it mag 08 23:34 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

This article is analysing the current situation of PKK after seeing Abdulla Ocalan By his lawyers on 02/05. Should PKK transform itself from an army struggle movement to a mass movement or staying the same? In responding to this question i will try to point out some facts.

2401522850.jpg imageWhy the Jews? mag 07 11:53 by Wayne Price 2 comments

There has been an increase in anti-Jewish actions in the U.S. Why is this? Why have Jews been focused on by fascists and haters? There are traditional reasons for anti-semitism. The establishment of the state of Israel has created an interaction between anti-semitism and anti-Zionism. Where anti-semitism is irrational and reactionary, anti-Zionism is a just response to the oppression of Palestinian Arabs and Israel's alliance with U.S. imperialism.

mitin_6_m.jpg imageMitin en memoria de Nicolás Neira mag 07 04:05 by Encuentro por la Autonomía 0 comments

¡Lo recordaremos como pueblo organizado!

51j5vt3prl.jpg imageThe Sons of Night by Antoine Gimenez and the Giménologues [Book review] mag 07 00:54 by KSL 0 comments

This is your chance to meet Antoine Gimenez who, by anybody’s standards, led an interesting life. In Italy, back around 1922 (when he was still Bruno Salvadori), he defended a classmate from bullying fascists. ‘It wasn’t chivalry or political beliefs – I was about twelve years old – but was quite simply that the girl was a student in the same class as us. […] When I came to […] I had been rescued from the Blackshirts’ clutches by some anarchists.’ [p551] So young Bruno became a subversive and set off down the path which would lead him into exile in France and later Spain.

1924033_1507295902909617_4635732569287267410_n.jpg imageEither it’s the people’s revolution or no revolution mag 06 20:56 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

The aim of this article to show some evidence and examples in real life that we cannot rely on working class alone to be a dynamic power to arrive us to a socialist society. . At present workers are even not reformist let alone revolutionary. There is alternative.

da16cca343a63be5.png imageΧειραγώγηση των _... mag 03 14:37 by Αναρχική Ένωση Ιράν και Αφγανιστάν 0 comments

Ως απάντηση στα κράτη και σε όσους μας αποκαλούν τρομοκράτες και αρνούνται τη χρήση βίας, πρέπει να πούμε ότι οι μόνοι τρομοκράτες είναι τα κράτη που δολοφονούν κόσμο σε πολέμους, στα σύνορα, βασανίζουν και σκοτώνουν σε φυλακές...

59720512_1261896057315321_4895382347928567808_o.jpg imageMay Day 2019/İstanbul mag 03 02:24 by DAF 0 comments

As Genç İşçi Derneği (Young Workers Associtation), we were in 2019 May Day protests in Bakırköy. We raise black and red pancard on which the sentence of Lorenzo; "Every storm starts with a single raindrop". As a memory of anarchist comrade Lorenzo who had been murdered in Rojava, we use his sentence to raise the anger of the young workers.

gider1768x512.jpg imageTek Damla Yağmurla Başlar Her Fırtına – 1 Mayıs 2019 mag 03 00:35 by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet 0 comments

1 Mayıs 2019 Bakırköy mitingine Genç İşçi Derneği ile beraber “Tek Damla Yağmurla Başlar Her Fırtına” pankartıyla katılarak GİDER’in gücüne güç kattık.

va_libre_1_de_mayo_2019.jpg imageResistamos a Duque, organicemos un nuevo movimiento sindical y popular. 1ero de mayo 2019 mag 01 21:53 by ViaLibre 0 comments

Celebramos un nuevo 1ero de Mayo, día de las trabajadoras del mundo[1]. Lo hacemos movilizándonos desde el sur de la ciudad, en conjunto con las organizaciones que forman el Encuentro por la Autonomía y la Vida Digna. En esta efeméride de las de abajo, reflexionamos sobre la situación y las luchas actuales, y proponemos nuevos cursos de acción para el futuro de la organización popular.

Albert Parsons in the 1870s imageAlbert Parsons: The life of the Chicago anarchist and labour martyr in his own words mag 01 21:38 by Albert Parsons 0 comments

As a tribute to one of the most remarkable agitators in labour history, we publish on May Day the autobiography of Albert Parsons. He was one of the five Chicago Anarchists who were tried in 1886-1887 and executed in November 1887 for their role as 8-hour working-day agitators and as anarchist militants. This mock-trial in 'the land of liberty' is one of the most shameful events in the history of labour in the whole world, and gave rise to May Day commemorations all over the world -the day was picked, because the repression which ended up in the 'legal lynching' of the Chicago Martyrs started after the general strike for the 8 hours working-day in May 1st 1886. This day is commemorated all over the world in memory of the Chicago Martyrs -unsurprisingly, one of the few countries which does not commemorate May Day is the land where this barbaric crime took place -the United States. They invented their own 'Labour Day' in September, with the purpose of severing the working class in the US from its radical tradition, and to devoid of meaning the conquest of the 8 hour working-day, a product of struggle and enormous sacrifice, not a gift from the capitalists. The life of Albert Parsons is instructive of the trajectory of many working class agitators in the US in the 19th century, a period of remarkable radicalism which was crushed with unspeakable ruthlessness and repression. His life story goes from fighting in the Confederate States Army during the US Civil War as a 13 year old, to republican and civil rights' agitator, advocate of the emancipation of the slaves, then trade unionist, socialist and anarchist. He was married to Lucy Parsons, a mixed race woman herself born a slave, who would become a prominent socialist and anarchist, and who was a founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World, IWW, in 1905. A remarkable organiser and orator, he was the soul of the most progressive and active workers' movement in the USA at the time: in Chicago. Parsons was the only US citizen of 'pure stock' among the Chicago Martyrs (his ancestry going back all the way to one of the pilgrims in the Mayflower in 1632) -all his comrades being German. The immigrant nature of these anarchists was the cause for a racist and xenophobic uproar that no doubt was crucial to justify their barbaric execution -these racist, xenophobic tendencies are still alive and healthy in the USA, as we can see from the current state of affairs in the country. This is why, being not only a remarkable speaker, but also a well-self-educated man (at a time when the workers' movement still placed much emphasis on the self-education of the workers), he chose to strike a chord with public opinion and counter arguments that socialism and anarchism were 'foreign' and 'alien' ideas, by appealing to texts such as the US Declaration of Independence and opinions of Thomas Jefferson, while also appealing to the conservative and religious frame of mind prevalent, ended up by quoting the Bible. Of course, nothing would save him from the fury of the capitalists' class hatred, but this autobiography is a masterpiece of engaging with the prevalent environment at the time from a radical perspective, of showing in a sober manner his process of radicalisation and the logic behind it, and also, a staunch defence of the anarchist principles by which he lived and which he did not betrayed when confronted to the gallows. Our best tribute to this titanic figure is to resist the current onslaught of the global capitalists against hard-won workers' rights, while to keep faithful to the cause of a free and just world. José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
1st May, 2019

10476496_731088003624251_5262923290493955439_n.jpg imageMay Day 2019 mag 01 20:57 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 0 comments

The only way out is struggle. We, the working class, must organise in the teeth of all obstructions. We must build the unions that the officials manifestly can’t build by themselves. We must use our vital weapon, the strike, and if the officials won’t help, we must act without them. And we must build solidarity across borders, because only international solidarity can beat the power of global capital. Standing together, in defiance of nationalism, we will have built a movement that embodies the values of a new and better world, a movement which also has the power to create that world. We can make a revolution to overthrow capitalism and create libertarian communism, worldwide.

signalattachment20190430172814.jpeg imageO 1º de Maio e a Luta contra a Reforma da Previdência: Construir uma Greve Geral desde a b... mag 01 20:41 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira 0 comments

O ajuste neoliberal no Brasil e na América Latina avança. Direitos históricos da classe trabalhadora e conquistas das lutas sociais estão sendo ou foram destruídos. Começou com o florestal. Avançou sobre o trabalhista. Desmantelou o minerário. Mexeu com o civil e agora quer acabar com o sistema de seguridade social. Este é composto por tripé: saúde, previdência e assistência social. Juntos eles garantem minimamente mecanismos de divisão de renda e pequenos avanços na justiça social tão cara neste continente. Foi produto de acumulo de lutas de nossa classe que começou com o sindicalismo revolucionário no início do século XX se estendeu por todo esse século. O pacto de classes da constituição de 88 absorveu parte das demandas acumuladas e arrebentadas pelo calor das lutas do movimento sindical e popular, mas por outro lado reservou a espada da exceção para cravar nos setores negros e populares que nunca tiveram lugar na democracia burguesa.

motherjones_march_colorado.jpg imageΗ τραγωδία του Haymarket mag 01 06:09 by Mother Jones 0 comments

Οι Αναρχικοί ηγέτες του οκταώρου κινήματος κρεμάστηκαν την Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου. Εκείνη τη μέρα οι πλούσιοι του Σικάγου είχαν ρίγη και πυρετό. Το σχοινί τεντώνεται προς όλες τις κατευθύνσεις από τη φυλακή. Αστυνομικοί άνδρες σταθμεύουν κατά μήκος των σχοινιών οπλισμένοι με τουφέκια. Ειδικές περιπολίες παρακολουθούσαν όλες τις προσεγγίσεις στη φυλακή. Οι στέγες γύρω από το βαρύ πέτρινο κτίριο ήταν γεμάτε με αστυνομικούς. Οι εφημερίδες έγειραν τη δημόσια φαντασία με ιστορίες εξεγέρσεων στις φυλακές.

huelga3mexicolahuelgadecananeaenlinleodelpintorymuralistapabloohiggins.jpg imageA Case for Anarchist Class Analysis mag 01 04:59 by Leroy Maisiri 0 comments

The purpose of this pamphlet is giving a coherent, comparative analysis on how anarchists and Marxists view the concept of “class,” and the political implications of each approach. Class is the nucleus of both Marxism and anarchism; however the conceptualisation of class is different for both. In pointing out these differences, it is my hope that I will convincingly show how and why the anarchist conceptualisation of class is more comprehensive and more useful, providing a more holistic analysis of many related aspects of class, and a more practical political guide. In particular, the anarchist approach – which stresses ownership and control of administration and coercion, not only means of production, as with Marxism – allows us to develop an effective analysis of why the state simply cannot be used to emancipate the popular classes i.e. the working class, the poor and the peasantry.

1m2019.png imageDesde el sur y con la gente, primero de mayo combatiente apr 29 22:55 by Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista 0 comments

No es un 1ero de Mayo cualquiera, no es salir a las calles por salir, no es arengar por gritar. Nos siguen matando, nos siguen amenazando.

lonewolf.png imageThe “Lone Wolf” - Obfuscation and Tactic apr 29 10:54 by antifa 0 comments

The term “Lone Wolf” is used to obfuscate the level of organisation within the far-right scene and the fact that it is used as a deliberate tactic.

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