The Julian Assange Beard (JAB) Movement: A Suggestion

… on Seeing Julian’s Political Asylum Unceremoniously Withdrawn

Have any of you readers had the trouble Ray has experienced in getting the following photo out his mind?

Ray’s hair/beard grows in disheveled witness to the uncivilized treatment accorded his admired friend Julian. Why such treatment? For publishing truthful information highly embarrassing to war criminals and others who dread the possibility that their crimes will come to light.

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Ron Paul asks Are US/UK Trying to Kill Assange?

Jailed Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange is reportedly “too ill” to even speak at a scheduled extradition hearing today. He is said to be “gravely ill” and even near death. If Assange is worth more dead than alive to the governments he has embarrassed by publishing the truth about their crimes, are they trying to make his death happen? Or will he be slowly killed by a 170 year prison sentence? Watch today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

The Brilliance of Randolph Bourne: Happy Birthday!

Today is the 133nd anniversary of Randolph Bourne’s birthday. named its parent institute for this early 20th century antiwar activist. Read Jeff Riggenbach’s biography of Bourne.

[Transcribed from the Libertarian Tradition podcast episode “Randolph Bourne (1886–1918)”]

Randolph Bourne was an American intellectual journalist who flourished for a few years in the second decade of the 20th century – in the Teens, the decade that ran from 1910 to 1920. Bourne wrote mostly for magazines during this period. His byline was particularly familiar to readers of The New Republic – until his radically antiwar views on the eve of the US government’s intervention in World War I got him fired.

He moved over to The Seven Arts, a newly launched magazine with a smaller circulation than The New Republic and one less well suited to Bourne’s particular talents and interests, since its primary focus was the arts, rather than social and political issues. He was able to publish only six antiwar articles in The Seven Arts before its doors were closed by an owner fearful of the Wilson administration and its Sedition Act of 1918, which made it a crime to criticize the Constitution, the government, the military, or the flag.

Only a few months after The Seven Arts ceased publication, Randolph Bourne died, a victim of the flu epidemic that killed more than 25 million people in 1918 and 1919, nearly a million of them in the United States. That was 1 percent of the population 90 years ago. One percent of the present US population would be more than 3 million Americans. Imagine what it would be like to live through a flu epidemic that killed more than 3 million people in the space of little more than a year. That’s what it was like for Americans living 90 years ago, at the end of World War I.

Continue reading “The Brilliance of Randolph Bourne: Happy Birthday!”

Mueller Blames Russia, Bolton Blames Iran. Should We Believe Them?

Robert Mueller resigned today as Special Counsel investigating Trump Campaign collusion with Russia. Though he found no collusion, his parting shot was aimed directly at Russia for “interference” in the election. His evidence? Allegations of a grand jury. Meanwhile, John Bolton swears that Iran is behind sabotage of four tankers in the UAE. His evidence? “Who else could it have been?” Are these government officials lying to us? Haven’t they done that before? Do we believe them now? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Robert Stuart vs. the BBC: One Man’s Quest To Expose a Fake BBC Video About Syria

It’s a David vs. Goliath story. A former local newspaper reporter, Robert Stuart, is taking on the British Broadcasting Corporation. Stuart believes that a sensational video story about an alleged atrocity in Syria “was largely, if not entirely, staged.” The BBC would like it all to just go away. But like David, Stuart will not back down or let it go. It has been proposed that the BBC could settle the issue by releasing the raw footage from the event, but they refuse to do this. Why?

The Controversial Video

The video report in controversy is "Saving Syria’s Children". Scenes from it were first broadcast as a BBC news report on August 29, 2013 and again as a BBC Panorama special in September. "Saving Syria’s Children" was produced by BBC reporter Ian Pannell with Darren Conway as camera operator and director.

The news report footage was taken in a town north of Aleppo city in a region controlled by the armed opposition. It purports to show the aftermath of a Syrian aerial attack using incendiary weapons, perhaps napalm, killing and burning dozens of youth. The video shows the youth arriving and being treated at a nearby hospital where the BBC film team was coincidentally filming two British medical volunteers from a British medical relief organization.

Continue reading “Robert Stuart vs. the BBC: One Man’s Quest To Expose a Fake BBC Video About Syria”

Pence Tells West Point Grads: ‘War Is Coming!’

It may be in Afghanistan or Iraq, Vice President Mike Pence told the graduating class at West Point, or it may be Korea or South China Sea or even against Russia, but one thing you can be sure of: You will see combat. Why constant normalization of war? Why the acceptance of perpetual war? Will Americans ever start to question why we must be at war with someone at all times? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.