From Anti-Fascist News
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The confrontation between Antifa Sacramento and the Traditionalist Youth Network /Traditionalist Workers Party and other Nazi and KKK groups hit a heated point today with reports saying at least five people were stabbed and dozens injured. The rally by Trad Youth was intended to protest “globalization” and multiculturalism, and was emboldened by the recent Brexit vote and the meteoric rise of Donald Trump. Trad Youth is the organizing project of well-known white nationalist Matthew Heimbach, who attempts to link up the young Alt Right with the more established groups on the radical racist fringe.

Their event was intended to be at the California capitol building in Sacramento, with Antifa stepping up to confront the event right away. The elected officials inside decided to retreat into the basement of the building for fear of confrontation, and at 11:45 9-11 was called for the first time with injuries that would need hospital transport. Bricks were throne, baseball bats flew, and fists were in the air as a roaming street battle ensued. Police came in “riot gear” to disperse the crowd, using “less lethal” weapons on protesters engaged in confrontations with Trad Youth organizers.


Right now it looks like the majority of those who were injured were on the neo-Nazi side as counter-protesters came prepared for the confrontation and were looking to have the event canceled. Trad Youth and their contingent were radically outnumbered by the anti-fascists who came en masse, sending the message that Sacramento would not be a safe haven to the extremism that they represent.

As video shows, the confrontation itself opened into a “brawl” as open confrontation between anti-fascists and the Nazis took the form of street warfare. This is one of the most volatile confrontations in years, eclipsing the recent KKK rally in Southern California and the protest actions threatening to shut down Donald Trump appearances in the Southwest and West Coast. As usual, police were mainly there to protect the Nazi contingent that was growing fearful of the growing anti-racist presence that was surrounding them.

We are compiling some of the videos that people took from the action below so you can get a sense of what happened and what the militant confrontation took shape as.

Here you can donate to Antifa Sacramento’s fundraising effort, which they may need for medical expenses and legal costs.

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