Melbourne Black 5


Melbourne Black 5 Onscreen Readable PDF

Melbourne Black 5 Print Version PDF

inside this edition:

Borders & Prisons: Commonalties, Social Mediation & The Prison Industrial Complex By The Abolition Collective

Action Against Changes to Sentencing Laws in Victoria

Trade Unions: In the National Interest By Ben Rosenzweig & Liz Thompson

Migrant Anarchists and the New Left By Conal Thwaite

Blogging Reflections By @ndy

Declaration of the People’s Solidarity Gathering and Commitments to Actions.

Edit: Following this- ‘An edited version of
the thesis has been made available on our website:’

Conal’s thesis is now available here.


2 Responses to “Melbourne Black 5”

  1. 1 …so… | slackbastard
  2. 2 theory of the offensive :: Economic nationalism and Australian trade unionism :: February :: 2011

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