Archive for May, 2010

A fantastic read. autumn2010v2 Moar about Wai here.

The EU and the IMF, on behalf of international finance, are demanding that the Greek people pay for years of corrupt rule and tax evasion by the Greek elite at home, and to help pay back the billions of debt transferred from the private to the public sector as a result of the bailouts to […]

Inspiring… Resisting… Creating new possibilities for change. Workers, indigenous people and grass-roots movements organising against multinational corporations in Latin America, Australia and the Pacific. SATURDAY MAY 15, 11AM TO 5PM, ETU BUILDING, 1/200 ARDEN ST, NORTH MELBOURNE. With: Edgar Paez, SINALTRAINAL (National Union of Food Industry Workers) union representative from Colombia; Clide Parabou and Joanne […]

La Frontera


You can download Colm McNaughton’s radio doco La Frontera here. Colm speaks to Seamus about this doco in April’s Melbourne Black.