Olympia, WA: Report from Anarchist Garden Harvest and Seed Exchange


Report from Olympia regarding a continued community resilience initiative centered around seed and garden harvest exchange.

Catastrophic climate change is here and we must prepare. As Historic flooding inundates the Midwest and a historic torrent of tornadoes pummels the rust belt, its only a matter of time before food insecurity devastates the entire country.

With this in mind we organized the 2nd installment of our continuous mutual aid, seed and garden harvest exchange, on may 27th in Olympia. During these events we provide comrades and the broader community with seeds, soil, fresh vegetables and medicinal and vegetable plant starts, with the aim of building autonomous infrastructure to weather coming storms.

Another addition to this months event were hundreds of nut tree starts. After nut trees reach maturity they produce hundreds of pounds of protein a year. These native nut trees will be planted by many of us in the coming months all across town.

As conflictual street actions are at a lull across the country, NOW is the perfect time for other comrades to grow resilient networks of mutual aid. We hope others replicate events like this and that eventually networks of solidarity could share resources across distances. This is a lofty goal, but the alternative path is catastrophe.

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