
Audience submitted: Liam Giuliani

Australia's alt-right is fighting a cultural battle to 'radicalise' the political narrative, expert says

By Lisa Millar on The World Today

The ABC's Background Briefing program has revealed that alt-right activists have proposed stunts such as dressing in blackface and burning the Quran to get controversial former One Nation Senator Fraser Anning re-elected — claims which the Senator denies.

There were also plans to subvert Clive Palmer's social media accounts, and a branch-stacking attempt in the New South Wales Young Nationals last year.

Jordan McSweeney, an expert on the alt-right movement from Sydney University says the ultimate goal of the movement would be to turn Australia into a 'white ethno-state' - but that realistically, they're working to radicalise the country's political narrative, and they're having some success.

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Jordan McSweeney, alt-right expert, Sydney University
