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The Marchen/Fairy Tale films produced by the state DEFA studio in East Berlin have proved to be among the DDR’s most enduring cultural achievements. This article examines at the ways in which the works of the Brothers Grimm were brought within an explicitly socialist pedagogy and how official Marxism attempt to comprehend and refashion folk and fairy tales.


Willie Thompson, Marzia Maccaferri, Gavin Bowd, Stephen Gundle, Geoff Andrews, Francis King, Tanja R. Muller, George Odysseos

Spring 2019

Richard J Evans, Eric Hobsbawm: a Life in History | Chris Holmsted Larsen, Den folkekære stalinist: En biografi om Carl Madsen | Massimo Asta, Girolamo Li Causi, Un rivoluzionario del Novecento | Katherine Verdery, My Life as a Spy. Investigations in a Police File | Balazs Apor, The Invisible Shining: The Cult of Matyas Rakosi in Stalinist Hungary | Russell Campbell, Codename Intelligentsia: the Life and Times of the Honourable Ivor Montagu, Filmmaker, Communist, Spy | Geoffrey Swain, A Short History of the Russian Revolution | Kristen Ghodsee, Second World, Second Sex. Socialist Women’s Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War | Jeremy Friedman, Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World

The idea of the Foundational Economy has the potential to radically disrupt dysfunctional old assumptions about economic development strategy.

We need a paradigm shift in economic thinking, rejecting the idea of a unified national economy and thinking in terms of different economic zones.

In the context of austerity and increasing in-work poverty, it is increasingly important for anchor institutions to contribute to building stronger economies and communities.

The British left needs to start taking Ulster Unionism seriously, listening and engaging with its concerns, history, and political character.

We need to understand the forms antisemitism takes, and the ways in which it exceeds, as well as intersects with, debates about Palestine and Israel.

Samuel Foster introduces Socialist History 55.

The Irish revolutionary period of 1912-1923 helped stimulate and develop the political thinking and outlook of the Irish left. During this period, Irish socialists and labour movement activists had to frame responses to the movement for independence, the responses of the British state, the rise of unionism, and the threat of partition.

Alison Winch, Kirsten Forkert and Sally Davison introduce this special issue of Soundings.

Economic decisions - such as where investment is increased and or withdrawn, which services will flourish and which will be run down, whose living standards will be protected or boosted and whose reduced - are not gender neutral. Neoliberal policies in particular have disproportionately affected women, particularly low-income and BAME women, through their lack of interest in social investment and the cuts they are making to the resources and public services that sustain life.

This article explores neoliberal feminism in relation to Africa, with a particular focus on Nigeria.

'It would be so lovely to think that, if I were a man, I could explain the law and people would listen and say "OK." That would be so restful.' Laura, Certain Women (Kelly Reichardt, 2016)


Tamsyn Dent, Jannat Hossain, Katharine Harris, Peter Ridley

Spring 2019

Tamsyn Dent, Jannat Hossain, Katharine Harris, Peter Ridley

In 2015, artist, architect and anarchist Adrian Blackwell contributed a sculptural installation, Mirrored Circles for Ba Jin, to an exhibition of public art by four Canadian artists curated by Yan Wu (‘Subtle Gesture’ was an offsite contribution to that year’s ‘Shanghai Urban Space Art Season’).

This article explores the conflicted relationship between creative activism and the art world, through an analysis of the Barcelona-based activist collective Enmedio.


Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, James Stafford

Spring 2019

Conservative dishonesty over Brexit has put Labour in a dangerous position. By holding back from formulating a coherent and realistic Brexit policy, the party has left itself with many hostages to fortune.

Brings together three perspectives on the central arguments of Adam Tooze’s Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World (2018), and how they differ from other dominant analyses of our current moment
