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  4. há 10 horas

    They literally wrote a book about this you melt

  5. há 14 horas

    Five jobs going back 24 yrs (not in order): - writer/editor - journalist - cook - cleaner - DJ you?

  6. há 14 horas

    I disagree with this heartily although I can see where it comes from... Personally, for my tastes, I think that Swedish food is maybe the fourth or fifth best in Europe

  7. 23 de abr

    It’s peter isn’t it. He and I are through

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  8. 23 de abr

    - my in-laws - my small children - a very small mushroom picking group I am kind of in - ‘drinky Peter’ my one friend from the UK - my dog???

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  9. 23 de abr

    according to sargon I’m ‘allied with thugs’. could it be: - my uniformly mild-mannered, middle-class current editorial colleagues - my pleasant, younger, very earnest chef ex-colleagues - my d&d group - my church group (actually I reckon Miriam is a bit handy)

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  10. 23 de abr
  11. 23 de abr

    Seriously today has been an absolute masterclass in arch-contrarian neckbeardery from middle-aged blue ticks ensconced in the British Isles

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  12. 23 de abr

    I follow a lot of the arch-contrarian neckbeards in Sweden who are most likely to hate on young climate activists, mock them for their appearance, call them weird, and imply conspiracy theories, and let me tell you, British arch-contrarian neckbeards; they have nothing on you.

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  13. 23 de abr
  14. 23 de abr

    Which genius thought this sign was a good idea

  15. 23 de abr

    Sad to think that the hundreds of people correctly calling Brendan O’Neill a fatuous neckbeard today are just giving him fuel for his inevitable ‘regressive leftists call anything they don’t like a fatuous neckbeard’ article tomorrow the fatuous fucking neckbeard

  16. retweetou
    23 de abr

    Happy to Georgians everywhere as the country celebrates his feast. St. George is also the patron saint of Malta, Ethiopia, and other places.

  17. 22 de abr

    This guy needs to go back to college and take a three-year degree in not being a prick

  18. 22 de abr

    I can relate to this, which is why I now liven up my own twitter experience by swearing at dickheads and posting pictures of lakes.

  19. 22 de abr

    Followers in/who have been to Sweden and who aren’t white: I have been asked if the racism described in this article is a fair representation of how it can be here in general. Can you please give your own impressions in this thread, if you want to share them?

  20. 22 de abr

    Honestly Brendan O’Neill is such a tiresome, arch-contrarian neckbeard.


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