অনুসন্ধান ফলাফল
  1. ৭ ঘন্টা আগে
  2. ৮ ঘন্টা আগে

    I don't want to hear talk abt Labor & its policies. I don't want to watch focus on Labor. I don't want to hear grinding Labor on what they will do. The LNP won the election. They've got governance. What will THEY do w/power? Scrutinise them

  3. ৯ ঘন্টা আগে

    Post election MSM: 👉Interest rates might drop. Framed as being good thing. 👉Taylor won't release emissions figure 👉NSW Libs light rail blow out and won't release land clearing figures 👉Adani 100 jobs 👉👉 Weeks focusing on LABOR "massive" loss

  4. ১৮ ঘন্টা আগে

    On , is dropping truth bombs. ”Night after night, I watched Peter Dutton not know the difference between a refugee and a terrorist.” You tell ’em, Barnesy!

  5. ১৮ ঘন্টা আগে

    GetUp is made up of millions of everyday australians who want to be politically involved but find political parties ineffective - so WHY do pollies like Nicole Flint HATE them so much? Do they really DESPISE active voters so much?

  6. ১৮ ঘন্টা আগে

    There was no housing tax. Nor was there a retirement tax. It was nothing but spin. Nay. Lies. And Jones sits there ... totally enthralled. Fxck . It's totally lost the plot.

  7. ১৮ ঘন্টা আগে

    Disgraceful to hear on tonight that pulled a story on without any proper basis after high level complaints by the company. Apparently there have been many such complaints, which may explain the insipid reporting that we see 😕

  8. ১৮ ঘন্টা আগে

    Some pretty serious accusations coming from about deliberately spiking a negative after they complained to . This is very serious if true

  9. ১৯ ঘন্টা আগে

    So the has a one seat majority. Hardly a landslide. Hardly the voice of climate change denial. Labor takes Macquarie, Coalition takes one-seat majority

  10. ২০ ঘন্টা আগে

    What happens if the Chinese warships in Sydney decide to stay?

  11. ২০ ঘন্টা আগে

    won't even offset a fraction of the jobs the Banks send overseas next time they decide they haven't made enough profit over the last 6 months. You've been scammed QLD.

  12. ২১ ঘন্টা আগে

    If a muslim athlete posted the only way to heaven was via allah & if you don't accept allah, you are an infidel sentenced to die by god etc and lost their job over the post, who here thinks Senator Abetz would write to the fair work commission on their behalf?

  13. ২২ ঘন্টা আগে

    Hey , I notice that is calling your integrity into question. I suggest you start looking into the $Billions missing & spent unauthorised from his Home Affairs portfolio & then let's see who's integrity is lacking.

  14. ২৩ ঘন্টা আগে

    Could somebody tell Michael Miller and the rest of the head honchos at Newscorp and Foxtel that the reason they are losing money is they alienate everybody who is not a LNP lickspittle. They are so biased and poor in their production that they are actually despised.

  15. ২৩ ঘন্টা আগে

    The character assassination of on this afternoon is utterly atrocious. Ben Fordham and producer should be ashamed of themselves.

  16. ২৪ ঘন্টা আগে

    Good to know the election was fought largely over, um, 100 jobs

  17. ৩ জুন

    Labor holds Macquarie, leading by 327 votes with under 500 votes to count. Final state of the House is Coalition 77, Labor 68, Others 6.

  18. ৩ জুন

    It's hilarious how all the Murdoch media, led by their Chairman , is running for cover after being accused of blatant partisan bias throughout the election. They did it. We all saw it. They're still doing it. It was a gross abuse of their market power.

  19. ৩ জুন

    In the end, conservatives will defeat themselves. With 100% of the media now behind Morrison & his gov, it may seem that all hope is lost. Not true. People will eventually get fed up with the corruption, lies & wealth distribution to the rich. Trust me

  20. ২ জুন

    Under the Liberals, economic growth is slowing, wages are stagnant and jobs are insecure. We will hold them to account for these failures at the same time as we paint a positive vision of growth and opportunity. My first press conference as Shadow Treasurer here

লোড হতে বেশ কিছুক্ষণ সময় নিচ্ছে।

টুইটার তার ক্ষমতার বাইরে চলে গেছে বা কোনো সাময়িক সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হয়েছে আবার চেষ্টা করুন বা আরও তথ্যের জন্য টুইটারের স্থিতি দেখুন।