Evan Smith


Australian-UK academic interested in history, politics & criminology, as well as some pop culture. Currently writing book on history of 'no platform'. He/him

Inscrit en mars 2012


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    3 nov.

    With the release of a new manifesto imminent, read about how Labour's 2017 manifesto fits into the wider history of the Labour Party's electoral programmes. ', British Labour and Policy Change' by &

  2. a retweeté
    il y a 23 heures

    Best scholarly piece on the use of the term 'race realism' by the far right?

  3. a retweeté
    19 nov.

    Beware of white people who use ‘tribalism’ to describe what they say claim is the polarization of politics. It’s deeply racialised and used to portray Indigenous people as unable to reason, naturally violent and incapable of self determination.

  4. il y a 23 heures

    Best scholarly piece on the use of the term 'race realism' by the far right?

  5. a retweeté
    20 nov.

    Good to see the president of the has resigned. Now time to ask deeper questions about the centuries-long culture that enabled this horror. My column in today’s

  6. a retweeté
    20 nov.

    Re the latest garbage take from the IPA, worth noting that it is specifically framed as an encouragement of further ministerial interference in the ARC grants process.

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  7. 20 nov.

    In my book on 'no platform', I would like to make a distinction between the fascist far right, such as the NF or BNP, and the right-wing Tory politicians who are also protested against. Is there a better term than 'hard right'?

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  8. 20 nov.

    In the past, I have used the term 'far right' to describe the political space in between fascism and 'hard right' of the Conservative party (orgs such as UKIP). Although some , such as , & , have suggested using 'far right' as umbrella term.

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  9. 20 nov.

    I have used the term 'hard right' to describe Tory MPs in the 1980s, such as John Carlisle or Harvey Proctor. I have also used term to describe Enoch Powell & the Monday Club in same era. I have erred from using 'far right' to describe these MPs so far. Should I use 'far right'?

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  10. a retweeté
    20 nov.

    My contract with is up this week after almost two years! Time to enjoy my first summer off in years, reorient priorities and find a position. 🌞🎉🥂👩‍💻 Staying in Melbs, so if you know casual/on going academic (or otherwise!) work in research/teaching/policy, pm me.💖

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  11. a retweeté
    19 nov.

    Awesome 2-year postdoc position on law and the uses of the past at the Uni of Helsinki:

  12. a retweeté
    19 nov.

    My book has a jacket! And a pub date! The Deportation Machine: America's Long History of Expelling Immigrants (, May 2020). Pre-order from the press and get a 30% discount using code P207.

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  13. 19 nov.

    Very happy to see, via my blog analytics, that my blog is being used in the classroom (especially in the UK). In particular, I think students are finding this collection of online archival documents very useful:

  14. a retweeté
    18 nov.

    "History is not just about what is known, but also about the process & politics of its production" introduces her new HWO feature on community-engaged histories of Black Britain - "Power in the Telling"

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  15. a retweeté
    19 nov.

    See on Academia my ‘Circuitous routes: Journeys from India to Australia by way of the sugar colonies’ in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay &Jane Buckingham (eds) Indians in the Antipodes Networks of Empire, Boundaries of Empire, Boundaries of Race, OUP Delhi, 2018, 62-93.

  16. 19 nov.

    I say 'all Europeans' before 1915 were considered aliens, because in 1915, Cyprus became a crown colony. Although now that I think about it, I am not sure when Maltese became considered British subjects.

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  17. 19 nov.

    UK govt found it easier to implement controls against aliens because British subjecthood implicitly gave all British subjects the right to enter, live and work in the UK. UK govt tried to use other means, such as controls at port of departure, to stop Cth migrants prior to 1962.

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  18. 19 nov.

    Aliens Act of 1905 was used to keep out Jewish refugees, which was aided by fact that no international protocols for refugee processing until after WWI. UK govt repeatedly stated that UK was under no obligation at the time to accept refugees.

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  19. 19 nov.

    I enjoyed this piece but the blurb is oddly worded. Jewish refugees were called ‘aliens’ because they were not British subjects when coming to UK. All Europeans prior to 1915 were considered ‘aliens’ upon arrival in UK until naturalised as British subjects.

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  20. 19 nov.

    Article revisions.

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