Monthly Review


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New York, NY
Geregistreerd in mei 2011


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  1. Vastgemaakte Tweet
    7 jul. 2018

    Albert Einstein's classic essay, "Why Socialism?," originally published in the first issue of Monthly Review (May 1949). It was subsequently published in May 1998 to commemorate the first issue of MR‘s fiftieth year.

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  2. 16 uur geleden

    The Yellow Vests have "held out for half a year in spite of repression, while retaining its autonomy, resisting cooptation, bureaucratization & sectarian splits." Richard Greeman for

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  3. 19 uur geleden

    Interesting history of the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science, (BSSRS), which early on addressed the need to organize scientists around the routine misuse of scientific research by warmongers and racists. From

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  4. 22 mei
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  5. 22 mei

    An interesting talk on eurocentrism with Lucia Pradella and Ken Olende from a recent conference hosted by International Socialism Journal (May 18, 2019) in central London.

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  6. 21 mei

    We were impressed by the relatively strong critique of corporate capitalism in this interview of Ralph Nader by David Barsamian. From .

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  7. 21 mei

    This episode of 'The Laura Flanders Show focuses on the fight against government repression through art and action, and includes interviews with Ellen and Rachel Meeorpol, as well as Boots Riley. From .

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  8. 21 mei

    "The United States is the country most easily positioned to address climate change but it has done likely the least out of any rich country. China, a country significantly less wealthy than the United States, has likely done the most."

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  9. 21 mei

    Great piece about Bill Nye "the science guy" sounding the alarm about the planetary emergency. From .

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  10. 21 mei

    "Having false information in the headlines is extremely prejudicial. Studies have repeatedly shown a large portion of readers do not read past the headlines–and those that do end up remembering the headline the most."

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  11. 20 mei

    20th Newsletter (2019) from : "The UN report challenges orthodox economic thought—the science of capitalism. Rather than ‘abstract economic goals’…the focus of economic activity should be ‘life-improving and emissions-reducing’."

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  12. 20 mei

    "'How does the newspaper know what it knows?' The answer to this question is likely to surprise…[many]: The main source of information is stories from news agencies." Only three of which exist, & they are "based in New York, London & Paris."

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  13. 20 mei

    Vijay Prashad: "There is not a whiff of interest in the UN Secretary General’s office to open a tribunal on the accusations of collective punishment against Venezuela. Allegations of this seriousness are brushed under the rug." .

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  14. 20 mei

    In this continuation of the exchange on “Marx and Alienated Speciesism” and “On the Origins of Animalist Marxism,” John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark, and then Christian Stache, reply to Ted Benton.

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  15. 20 mei

    Ted Benton offers a response to the critiques offered by John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark’s, as well as Christian Stache, in two articles previously published in Monthly Review, which take up Ted Benton’s work on animals and Marxism.

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  16. 20 mei
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  17. 17 mei

    Relatively impressive statement from (European United Left/ Nordic Green Left) on climate change and capitalism.

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  18. 17 mei

    Martin Hart-Landsberg: "Since we can be confident that this expansion will end & unemployment will once again become a serious problem, it is worth revisiting how mainstream economists …treated the high rates of unemployment that marked…this expansion."

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  19. 17 mei

    “We are in grave danger of being sleepwalked into military confrontation with Iran over an incident that is blamed wrongly on Iran.” —Gareth Porter. From Common Dreams.

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  20. 17 mei

    On the farce that 20k Cuban soldiers are in : "A total of 140,000 Cuban health workers have provided their services in Venezuela, undertaking 3,300,000 operations, and saving 1,470,000 lives."

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  21. 16 mei

    The Nineteenth Newsletter (2019) from @the_tricontinental.

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