Communist Party of Great Britain
Towards a Communist Party of the EU  |


Labour Against the Witch-hunt

22 November 2017

Join this important pressure group

June 8: Vote Labour and then crush the saboteurs!

01 May 2017

After the 2017 snap election, Jeremy Corbyn must stay on to fight the right, not fall on his sword

Communist University 2017

20 March 2017

Saturday August 12 – 19, central London

Nationalise Tata

07 April 2016

The CPGB Provisional Central Committee at its meeting on April 3 called for the expropriation of Tata’s UK steel assets in order temporarily to preserve steelworkers’ jobs.

Why we're out of Left Unity

22 February 2016

Statement from the Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB

Communist University 2016

11 February 2016

Videos from our annual school (August 6-13) are now online

Their Europe - and ours

05 February 2016

The June 23 referendum on Britain's membership in the EU is a contest between reactionary forces

Open the borders!

03 February 2016

There have never been as many displaced people - and it's all down to capitalism's destructiveness

Faith and communists

31 January 2016

How should religious comrades approach membership of Marxist organisations, and vice versa?

Motion on the Labour Party

02 October 2015

The Communist Platform will be presenting the motion below at Left Unity conference November 2015