
ACRAWSA agm blog report

ACRAWSA Blog Editor’s Report

Read ACRAWSA Blog editor, Maria Elena Indelicato’s report to the annual general meeting. ACRAWSA has always been the study association closest to my heart.…

ACRAWSA AGM President’s Report

On March 7 the Australian Critical Race & Whiteness Studies Association held its annual general meeting. Full minutes of the meeting will be posted…

New members elected to the ACRAWSA executive

ACRAWSA is delighted to announce that our Annual General Meeting voted four new members onto our executive committee. They are Nilmini Fernando and Oscar…
Pastiche of the Last Supper. A man sits at the centre of a table surrounded by other people who are looking at him whole he speaks.

The Ramsay Insult

If one wishes to engage with Indigenous and other non-western knowledges in research, writing, and teaching, certainly in Australia, then one needs to divest…