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Loads of new anarchist books (& a T-shirt):

Hi all,
Here is a list of the great new titles for this week - some have been long out of print....
The second joint publication by Jura Books and PM Press - the reprint (with extra essays) of a long out of print extremely important book, this on on the Russian Revolution. This one also at a special low price:
The Unknown Revolution, 1917-1921, Voline, $35;
The Battle of the Mountain of the Kurds: Self-determination and ethnic cleansing in the Afrin Region of Rojava, Thomas Schmidinger, $26;
Anarchy's Brief Summer: The life an death of Buenaventura Durruti, (HB), Hans Magnus Enzensberger, $55;
The Anarchists of Casas Viejas, Jerome Mintz, $45;
The Anarchists of Andalusia, 1868-1903, Temma Kaplan, $63;
Birth Strike: The hidden fight over women's work, Jenny Brown, $26;
What Kind of Creatures Are We?, Noam Chomsky, $28;
Black Flags and Social Movements: A sociological analysis of movement anarchism, Dana Williams, $60;
The Practice of Freedom: Anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt, (ed) Richard White et al, $53;
The Radicalization of Pedagogy: Anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt, (ed) Simon Springer et al, $58;
Theories of Resistance: Anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt, (eds) Marcelo Lopes De Souza et al, $58;
Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution, Arif Dirlik, $47;
Law as Refuge of Anarchy: Societies without hegemony or state, Herman Amborn, $38;
Organizing Cools the Planet: Tools and reflections to navigate the climate crisis, Hilary Moore, $9;
That Precious Strand of Jewishness that Challenges Authority, Leon Rosselson, $8;
Solidarity Unionism at Starbucks: IWW, Daniel Gross & Staughton Lynd, $6.50;
Daring to Struggle, Failing to Win: The Red Army Faction's 1977 campaign of depseration, J. smith, $8;
Women and the Subversion of the Community: A Maria Dalla Costa reader, (ed) Camille Barbagallo, $32;
Health Care Revolt: How to organize, build a health care system, and resuccitate democracy -all at the same time, Michael Fine MD, $21;
T-Shirts: 'Don't Tread on Us' - rattle snake image, red on black cotton (S, M, L), $31;
Latest journals: Le Monde Libertaire, Umanita Nova, Rivista A, & Anarcho-syndicalist Review.
See you in at Jura.