About Mike’s Art

flugennockpoststylefoto250x300Since the early 1990s, Mike Flugennock has produced over two hundred political cartoons and posters that have been the favorite of popular resistance movements ranging from those opposing war in Iraq and Afghanistan to globalization, Occupy and other movements, such as the recent successful legalization of home cultivated marijuana in Washington, DC. He has served on the editorial board of the DC Independent Media Center, illustrated the covers of The Progressive and Alternative Press Review, and has been featured in the Washington Post and Washington City Paper Arts section for his art promoting mass protests.

Born in 1957 and raised on classic Saturday morning cartoons and ‘60s and ‘70s underground “comix”, Flugennock works in a distinctive style which has inspired readers and activists to “flypaste” his art in solidarity with his statements in city streets around the world. (At left: Mike on the streets of downtown DC, postering for the Fall 2002 IMF/World Bank protests. Photo by Andrea Bruce Woodall, the Washington Post)

Questions? Comments? Drop Mike a line at flugennock at sinkers dot org.

“Poster Boy of Protest” in Washington Post Style, September 27, 2002. (4.3mb pdf) (WWW link)

“Mike Flugennock’s Greatest Hits” featured in cartoon exhibit at Provisions Gallery, Washington, DC, Summer 2006.

“Meet A Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Mike Flugennock” interview in Washington DC CityPaper Arts section, January 10, 2011. (2.7mb pdf) (WWW link)

Out with the crew for an evening’s postering for the IMF/World Bank protests, August 2001:

Flugennock: The Documentary by Ron Douglas, Assistant Professor of Media Communications, Wesley College, Delaware, June 2016:

Interviewed on RT America by Lindsay France on Fishtank, June 2016:

Interviewed on Primo Nutmeg podcast, Nov 2018:

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