National Comrades of Color Caucus

A description of the NCCC by Nellie Wong, poet and former San Francisco Bay Area FSP organizer, from her introduction to the anthology Talking Back: Voices of Color.

The National Comrades of Color Caucus, unique in the U.S. Left, comprises members of color of the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) and Radical Women (RW), affiliated socialist feminist organizations. We are Black, Latino/a, Asian/Pacific Islander, Indigenous, of mixed race, LGBTQ, straight, immigrant and U.S.-born, multi-aged, and of different abilities. Together we help each other find our individual and collective voices. We announce them from the muscles and guts of our bodies, from our all-seeing eyes and vibrant ears, understanding the shout-outs born out of rage and hope. We find mutual support as radicals of color working together across race and gender lines. We share histories, food, experiences. We argue, we debate, uniting together with a mighty body of voices for revolutionary change that spans history and the globe.

The Comrades of Color Caucus is a place to put our thoughts, to shape and hone them. An opportunity to become and be leaders. Talking back and out. Our voices singing out for sweet victories that engage and move us forward. Together. This, too, is home.

Most important, we provide FSP and RW with leadership, correction, analysis and proposals for action in the movements and on the issues of people of color. We bring our voices back to the parent organizations, where all are determined to confront racism, empower women and end our oppression as workers. Together, we lay the basis for dismantling U.S. capitalism and building a socialist feminist society where all will not just survive, but thrive.

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