Posts in: australia

Book review: Dark Emu

May 2019

It’s something of a truism, isn’t it? History is written by the victors — well, of course! What if that history still exists all around, yet there is an ideology which renders it invisible? Welcome to the settler state known as Australia. A place where the attempted, and quite deliberate, expungement of the world’s oldest… Read more »

Lessons from the struggle: Massive community outreach was key to driving Nazis from Fawkner

January 2019

It’s a little more than two decades since anti-fascists celebrated the closure of National Action’s (NA) organising centre in Melbourne’s outer northern suburb of Fawkner. The Tyson Street “bookshop,” actually a bunker, closed in April 1998. A 15-month campaign exposed the fascists and ensured their project was a political flop.  A clear and present danger…. Read more »

Look to ourselves, not the state, to banish violent fascists

January 2019

In late 2018, eighty-one thousand people petitioned the Department of Home Affairs to stop U.S.-based fascist, Gavin McInnes, from entering Australia. The petition cited McInnes’ calls for violence against women and people of colour and the Southern Poverty Law Center’s listing of Proud Boys, the group he formed, as a hate group. Home Affairs refused… Read more »