Police killings

Anti-capitalist protesters murdered in PNG: Canberra has blood on its hands!

Winter/Spring 2001

In 1975 Papua New Guinea gained formal independence from Australia. However at no time since Australia took over control of the former British and German colonies has PNG been free of the domination of Australian Capital, particularly the mining sector. Australia accounts for two thirds of the foreign investment in the country, and successive governments… Read more »

Zero Tolerance for Police Brutality!

Winter/Spring 2000

In February 1999, New York City police killed Amadou Diallo in a hailstorm of 41 bullets as he reached for his wallet. Diallo’s murder made the special plainclothes squad these cops belonged to, the Street Crimes Unit, infamous around the world. Diallo died because of racism, and not just that of the four officers who… Read more »