From the Archive

Where Matters Stand With Me

October 1, 1978

Newly translated into Spanish, this rousing 1978 piece by Radical Women co-founder and longtime Freedom Socialist Party leader Gloria Martin is a testament to the logic of socialism plus feminism.

Mi manifiesto

October 1, 1978

Publicado originalmente en el “Boletín de debate de la Pre-Conferencia del Comité para un Partido Socialista Revolucionario (CRSP por sus siglas en inglés)”, por la cofundadora de Mujeres Radicales, Gloria Martin el 1º de octubre de 1978 A LOS 62 AÑOS, PUEDO REFLEXIONAR acerca de tantos años de discriminación y de amarga derrota frecuente por… Read more »

Viva la Raza!

Summer 1977

On the 50th anniversary of the walkouts by 10,000 overwhelmingly Chicana/o high-schoolers in Los Angeles, celebrate the Chicano movement with this 1977 editorial in English and Spanish from the Freedom Socialist archives.

George Bush: our CIA man in the White House

June 1989

From 1989, after George H.W. Bush became president, a Freedom Socialist editorial that reminds people of his murderous crimes as CIA chief and warns of dangers to come.