Jason WilsonVerifizierter Account


Writer and journalist: far right, politics, and the PNW. Immigrant. TIPS: jason@jasonwilson.media | jason.a.wilson@protonmail.com

Portland | PNW
Beigetreten März 2007


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  1. vor 3 Stunden

    I rather wish he hadn’t called it Siege

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  2. hat retweetet
    31. Mai

    If Crowder loses his channel, I’m going to get hit with another avalanche of abuse and will likely get doxxed again. That’s what’s so fucked up about these platforms: they create wildly powerful monsters and then ask the targets of abuse to draw further attention to themselves.

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    vor 8 Stunden
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  4. vor 9 Stunden

    first ones I have seen

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    I asked Aidan Cook, an animal rights activist who jumped onstage to interrupt Kamala Harris, if he had considered the optics of literally taking the microphone away from women of color. “I did,” he said. “I tried to show my profound respect for each of the people onstage.”

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    vor 10 Stunden

    Man behind bogus “Drunk Pelosi” video is 34-year-old Trump supporter on probation after pleading guilty to domestic battery

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    vor 14 Stunden

    Troll Notice: If someone’s Twitter name is something like @Joe128372635.... Don’t waste time replying.. Simply BLOCK.

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  8. vor 13 Stunden
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    vor 23 Stunden
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    Bar Home Office Airport Temple Church Mosque Concert Hospital Nightclub Newsroom Restaurant Pre-school Synagogue Yoga studio High school Military base Bowling alley Street corner Movie theater Political event Middle school College campus Elementary school City municipal building

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  11. hat retweetet
    31. Mai
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  12. hat retweetet

    Jordan Peterson makes common cause with Viktor Orban in the war on poltical correctness. His ally in the global struggle for open-mindedness has forcibly exiled its best university, installed minders in every college, and steers research grants to cronies.

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  13. hat retweetet
    31. Mai

    New post on California's exceptionally active May. How were these unsettled conditions connected to extreme weather elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere? Plus: one of my favorite California weather photos of all time, courtesy of !

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  14. hat retweetet
    1. Juni

    "Graham declared that the attacks that Trump’s enemies are launching against the president are 'demonic.'” The Christian Right has created the conditions that could well lead the U.S. into civil war, and Graham is fuelling the fire with his rhetoric.

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  15. hat retweetet
    31. Mai

    ‘A million fish died in our rivers last summer because billionaires dammed the upper reaches of several major Australian rivers so they could grow cotton’

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    1. Juni

    I wrote about the debates on inclusivity and cultural appropriation in the online sewing community. It’s a big deal!

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  17. 1. Juni

    Did things go wrong in 1933 or 1868? People switch between them or refuse to settle on a single answer. It’s not meant to function as a coherent body of ideas for outsiders

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  18. 1. Juni

    This is why it gets confusing though

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  19. 1. Juni

    It’s from this very handy dissertation

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  20. 1. Juni

    This is a very good and succinct explanation of an element of sovereign citizen belief that I sometimes struggle to summarize

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