
Reviews are here!!

  • Published May 23, 2019 By MRR
  • Categories Reviews

We’re excited to begin rolling out the next phase of Maximum Rocknroll online content… CLICK HERE TO READ THE LATEST RECORD REVIEWS FROM MRR!

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  • Published January 13, 2019 By MRR
  • Categories News

It is with heavy hearts that we are announcing the end of Maximum Rocknroll as a monthly print fanzine. There will be two more issues of the fanzine in its current format — MRR #432 will be our final print issue. But MRR will continue on as a weekly radio show, vinyl archive, and online resource for […]

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Steve Soto 1963-2018

Kid of the Black Hole No More Steve Soto, who died in his sleep on June 27th, 2018, was the heart and godfather of Southern California hook-laden punk. His talents filled the likes of the Adolescents, Agent Orange, Manic Hispanic, 22 Jacks, Legal Weapon, and more. He brimmed with unbelievable talent and a ceaseless work […]

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Looking back at Tim Yohannan, 20 years later

We still can’t believe that it has been twenty whole years since our founder Tim Yohannan left us for good. We miss him dearly. His work, both in Maximum Rocknroll and elsewhere, has permanently altered the world of punk, and has affected millions of people worldwide. Instead of writing an essay about his work or creating another […]

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We have a new website!

  • Published February 11, 2018 By Grace Ambrose
  • Categories News

Thanks to the hard work of Oliver Fisher / Frontwards Design and our longtime columnist Bryony Beynon, we have a new website! Shitworkers extraordinaire! Please bear with us as we work out the kinks. Notice anything broken or missing? Drop us a line. A few things to note: Part of the impetus for our web […]

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