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New books this week at Jura

"Quello che non ho è una camicia bianca quello che non ho è un segreto in banca quello che non ho sono le tue pistole per conquistarmi il cielo per guadagnarmi il sole." Frabrizio de Andre, an anarchist folk singer in Italy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3ZGdzuvcws&list=RDEMt5A_jA64EwODji4w2iQ...

Hi friends of Jura,
Here are the new titles in Jura this week:
Folding the Red into the Black: Developing a viable Untopia for human survival in the 21st century, Walter Mosley, $30;
The Animals Vegan Manifesto, Sue Coe, $25;
Grabbing Pussy, Karen Finley, $25;
Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the US-Saudi connection, Medea Benjamin, $26;
Remembering Akbar: Inside the Iranian Revolution, Behrooz Ghamari, $29;
What Ghandi Says About Violence, Resistance and Courage, Norman Finkelstein, $14;
(back in book form) How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist ideology in the Disney comic, Ariel Dorfman & Armand Mattelart, $32;
Pride: Photographs after Stonewall, Fred McDarrah, $43;
Transcritique on Kant and Marx, Kojin Karatani, $52 (Kantian critique of Marx that ends up close to anarchism);
(back in stock) Beer and Revolution: The German anarchist movement in New York City, 1880-1914, Tom Goyens, $52.
See you there.
PS, the Red and Black Forum discussions have started up again - come along and join in.