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Health + safety

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The National Gallery of Australia (the Gallery) recognises that corporate goals are achieved through healthy and productive employees, and acknowledges that the health, safety and welfare of employees are of primary importance.

It is the Gallery's policy to strive for the highest health and safety standards to achieve best practice in Work Health and Safety. The Gallery is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all of its employees, in accordance with the requirements of legislation.

Best practice in Work Health and Safety does not occur by chance; it is the result of careful attention to all corporate activities by those who are directly and indirectly involved. Consultation with all parties at all levels in the Gallery can achieve a high standard of work health and safety at all times.

The Gallery requires its employees not to work in conditions which the employees have reasonable cause to believe are unhealthy and unsafe, and requires employees to inform responsible persons of unsafe conditions and or practices.

Policy objectives

The health and safety objectives of the Gallery are to:

  • Provide and maintain a safe working environment and safe systems of work;
  • Foster a workplace safety culture;
  • Identify and manage hazards in the workplace;
  • Provide appropriate health and safety training and information to Managers, Supervisors, Health and Safety Representatives and Workers;
  • Ensure safety in the use, handling and storage of materials and substances in the workplace;
  • Provide adequate financial and other resources to implement relevant health   and safety programs and activities; and
  • Regularly monitor, review and evaluate safety performance against agreed performance indicators.