The truth about crime and ethnicity

The truth about crime and ethnicity

It is crucial to refer to facts and data when determining how to best to deal with crime. Polling shows law and order is the biggest issue ahead of the November state election.

Given the blanket publicity the worst crimes – murder, rape, assault and aggravated burglary – attract, people are understandably fearful of being attacked in their homes and communities. That corrodes confidence and wellbeing; the perceived threat of a crime is harmful in itself. Lawmakers thus have a particular responsibility to be accurate, to maintain perspective and to avoid unduly fuelling fears or misconceptions.

It is unfortunate, for example, that a perception has grown that Melburnians are in imminent danger of being attacked by rampaging gangs of immigrant African youths. Yes, there have been some incidents, and the perpetrators, most of whom are known to the police, deserve and receive the measured force of our already robust laws and criminal justice system. That must and will continue whether or not there is a change in government later this year.


Photo: Illustration: Matt Davidson

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton was ill-advised to state as he recently did that ‘‘people are scared to go out at restaurants of a night time because they’re followed home by these gangs, home invasions, and cars are stolen.’’

Here are some facts and official figures from the state’s Crime Statistics Agency that might help assuage some concerns:


■In the decade to June 2017, close to half of all crime in Victoria was committed by a small fraction of offenders; 6.3 per cent of offenders perpetrated 43.9 per cent of recorded incidents;
■There’s no link between ‘‘repeat offenders’’ and ethnicity; 84 per cent of chronic criminals were born in Australia;
■There are about 150 young Africans involved in crimes – out of an immigrant African population of 94,000;
■Victoria’s overall crime rate fell by 9.9 per cent last year.

Politically motivated misinformation and distortion undermine our entire community.

That is a shame, because over many decades immigration has been central to building a globally saluted culture – a society and economy enriched by ethnic diversity. Australia is such a coveted place because of that wonderful mix, not despite it.

Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane, whose five-year term expires ahead of the Victorian election, argues that ‘‘race-based panic’’ about what some have recklessly characterised as an African gang crisis has shoved race relations in Australia to their lowest ebb in years. It’s involved some of the worst prejudice and racism he’s experienced in his time in the role.

The commissioner says irresponsible reporting in some sections of the media and inflammatory comments by politicians linking crime to race and ethnicity have contributed to the outbreak. ‘‘The most dangerous thing for politicians to do is to single out a particular community and direct hostility towards them.’’ The Sunday Age would like to appeal to candidates and parties to respect the truth and the community, rather than seeking to gain political advantage by harmfully playing to undue fear and unworthy prejudice.