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Ketan Joshi
Aus conservative media are at a total loss about why conspiracy theories around brown-skinned immigrants invading and replacing the 'white race' took root with such depth as to directly inspire one of the worst massacres in our region, perpetrated by an Australian.
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Ketan Joshi Mar 16
Replying to @KetanJ0
He's going to be framed as an evil monster, because the alternative is coming to terms with the fact that he's the statistically unavoidable end-point of a froth-mouthed, rabid, xenophobic campaign they've been running for a decade.
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marcus kelson Mar 16
Replying to @KetanJ0
For two decades in fact, don’t forget Pauline Hanson entered Parliament in 1996.
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Ketan Joshi Mar 16
Replying to @marcuskelson
absolutely, though her pivot to anti-muslim rather than anti-asian was more recent i guess
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Brian Fletcher Mar 16
Replying to @KetanJ0 @GrogsGamut
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Karaeng Mattarada Mar 16
Replying to @KetanJ0 @thejuicemedia
"The Foreign Invasion" Aborigins will be like
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Ketan Joshi Mar 16
omg great gif
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Trent Mar 16
Replying to @KetanJ0 @Kon__K
These ideologies take hold because people stifle speech instead of debating it. Pushing these thoughts aside or hiding them makes them find each other on the internet and just snowballs. If we let them them speak and debate them then when people 'research' they hear all sides
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Ketan Joshi Mar 17
Replying to @Shkwid @Kon__K
Deplatforming works. These ideas ought to be buried, and those decisions shouldn't just be made by white guys who aren't in the firing line of deadly far right terrorists.
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Ketan Joshi Mar 17
Replying to @fletchwine @GrogsGamut
When was this one published?
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Brian Fletcher Mar 17
Replying to @KetanJ0 @GrogsGamut
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Ketan Joshi Mar 17
Replying to @fletchwine @GrogsGamut
Thanks - in the West Australian, I'm guessing?
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Meg Mar 20
Replying to @KetanJ0
You cannot be serious! This nation has welcomed brown skinned immigrants for generations, have clearly had more opportunities than most in this country, yet seem to be dreadfully unhappy here. There are no locks from the inside...move to your Utopia. Most immigrants are grateful!
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Ketan Joshi Mar 20
Replying to @Meg23777
Where do you think I immigrated to Australia from, Meg?
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