June 2019 = Antifa International’s fifth birthday.  Since starting as a wee gang of antifascist malcontents tumblin’ from five different countries, we’ve grown to the point of having over 50,000 people follow us across five different social media platforms.

To celebrate our success right here where it all began, we’re giving away an author-signed copy of Mark Bray’s Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook & an author-signed copy of Gord HIll’s The Antifa Comic Book.  The two people who reblog the highest number of our posts on tumblr during the month of June = our winners!   You’ll find about 7,900 posts to choose from in our archive, so happy reblogging!   

(BTW, there’s two other ways to win one of these prizes: if you sign up as a monthly contributor to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund this month, you’ll be entered to win one of these!  Or, if you’re already signed up as a monthly contributor, increasing your monthly contribution by @ least $5 = a chance to win, too!)

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