Support for Djap Wurrung Embassy

$170,662 of $100,000 goal

Raised by 3,154 people in 13 months
Raising money in support of the Djap Wurrung Embassy, which is protecting sacred trees threatened with destruction near Ararat. 

All money raised will go towards accommodation for elders and others who can't camp, travel funds for mob to get out there and other needed costs to maintain the camp until we the trees are protected! 

This go fund me has been set up by allies in solidarity and in consultation with Djap wurrung and other Aboriginal people at the Djap Wurrung embassy.  Funds will be withdrawn and administered by Allies Decolonising team in direct consultation to be spent on camp costs.
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UPDATE! After months of Djapwurrung and other Aboriginal people holding Vicroads at bay, yesterday vicroads attempted to start works, and police went in to camp.
There is now a blockade at the camps, and money is needed to continue to support presence on the ground and legal costs.
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Thank you again to everyone who has given money!! The support is so heartwarming. The camp is going strong, but more people are always needed on the ground!

For accountability purposes and to meet go fund me policy requirements, the account linked to this campaign is the private account of Yael Leah, a member of the allies decolonising network who are helping to run this campaign in close consultation with Djapwurrung at the camp.

Funds have been, and will continue to be, delivered by directly paying for accommodation for elders, fuel costs and incidental items such as cooking gear and camp equipment, as well as other campaign costs.
Where costs can not be paid directly receipts are reimbursed to individuals who have covered the above costs.
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Thank you so much everyone who has donated, shared the campaign and supported the camp in some way to keep it going strong!
From the Djap Wurrung protectors alliance:
"Thanks for your donations. These donations have provided food, accommodation and resources to keep the Djap Wurrung embassy running. These donations will be used to ensure elders are looked after and the protectors can protect these sacred trees from VicRoads."
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$170,662 of $100,000 goal

Raised by 3,154 people in 13 months
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Joshua Brost
1 hour ago
Jenna Flood
2 hours ago
8 hours ago
9 hours ago
Emily Ressia
9 hours ago
Elvira Pappalardo
9 hours ago
Jenny Huang
9 hours ago
Aaron Silver
12 hours ago
Paul Kindervater
19 hours ago
Sophie McGrath
20 hours ago
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