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가입일: 2008년 5월


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  1. 3시간 전

    New Communications Minister Paul Fletcher will have the best seat in the house for the extended funeral of the Australian media sector.

  2. 4시간 전

    The Fair Work Commission has reduced wage increases for the one in five Australians on minimum wages, reflecting a complete misunderstanding of the state of the economy.

  3. 5시간 전

    International media outlets reported the recent shocking rise in suicide attempts on Manus. But you wouldn’t know about it from Australia's major papers.

  4. 6시간 전

    “The government's push for religious freedom means nothing if it ignores the millions of religious minorities being persecuted by our trade partners.”

  5. 7시간 전

    Australian women are still facing an epidemic of violence, but the conversation about it has notably shifted to "men's behaviour".

  6. 8시간 전

    The AFR thinks that its annual Rich List celebrates Australia's 'opportunity society'. In reality it is contemptuous of the struggles of regular Australians.

  7. 9시간 전

    "Why are so many authors getting away with sloppy research?" asks

  8. 10시간 전

    Scott Morrison wasn't the only world leader unexpectedly returned to office this year...

  9. 11시간 전

    Popular this week: Targeted misinformation and a quiet undercurrent of anti-immigration and anti-refugee sentiment — social media allowed the real election campaign to fly under the radar.

  10. 14시간 전

    “We should not allow our government to slowly erode our humanity and our human rights, year by year, sneaky budget measure by sneaky budget measure,” writes Senator Rachel Siewert ()

  11. 15시간 전

    Greens spokesperson Jordon Steele-John offers some tips for how to fix the NDIS.

  12. 16시간 전

    “You have to wonder whether the Fair Work Commission has actually read anything the Reserve Bank has said recently about the Australian economy and why household income growth has been so low in recent years.”

  13. 6월 1일

    With its new frontbench, Labor is showing every sign of abandoning the discipline it showed from 2013-19 and is busily promoting mediocrities.

  14. 6월 1일

    “The question should now be: is it worth it? At what point do we stand up and explain that becoming a wealthy and successful nation is as much about freedom from persecution as it is about the bottom line?”

  15. 6월 1일

    Popular this week: A progressive alliance with the Greens would be a much-needed boon for Labor, writes

  16. 6월 1일

    The AFR's self-aggrandising Rich List once again finds itself at odds with regular Australians.

  17. 6월 1일

    Why have the two outlets that led the coverage of the biggest scandal in Australian politics fallen silent on its aftermath?

  18. 6월 1일

    “It’s easy to become despondent about the state of the climate and our country’s lack of response to it — especially after the federal election. But Australian director Damon Gameau hasn’t fallen into despair.”

  19. 6월 1일

    More than 250 detainees on Manus Island have filed documents with the PNG National Court asking for enforcement of their human rights.

  20. 5월 31일

    How will Scott Morrison and his government meet the rush of new (and newly returned) world leaders?


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