Philip Brophy — Screenic: Politicised Writings on Being Screened

Philip Brophy
Screenic: Politicised Writings on Being Screened
290 pages, softcover, 110 × 180 mm
Edition of 700
ISBN 978-1-7635372-1-7

Discipline is pleased to announce its latest title, Screenic: Politicised Writings on Being Screened—an anthology of Philip Brophy’s writing on art over the last twenty-five years. The focus of the selection is on art that involves screens: projected as film in museums, digitised for installations in galleries, curated as documents within exhibitions, presented as outdoor illuminations on buildings, utilised for the production of VR and AI-generated content, and even wall murals derived from televisual screens. The driver for the writing of these articles is an interest in media literacy within fine art contexts. Together, the articles reinforce the view that ongoing changes taking place in the mediascape over the last two decades create challenges for artists, producers, curators, viewers, and critics—sometimes resulting in a rejuvenation of how media art can be imagined and presented, other times evidencing an anaemic grasp of the contemporary mediascape that whorls outside the white cube.

Screenic has been designed by James Vinciguerra and Duncan Blachford, and printed in Narrm/Melbourne by Documents on Call. It features a preface by Helen Hughes, an introduction by Emile Zile, and has been edited by Olga Bennett.

RMIT ACMI AudienceLab

BAITHOUSE – Henry Lai-Pyne, Emile Zile, Audrey Pfister, Liam Wolfs, Babs Rapeport

BAITHOUSE is a 3D animated motion-capture livestream talk show. Using live motion capture, physical performance and animation, guests and hosts will be presented in a constructed digital world and in conversation with one another. As an expanded form of hybrid public programming, performance and critical discourse BAITHOUSE is a new digital and artistic platform that will host hyper-threaded conversations around networked technologies, contemporary aesthetics and new media. Accessible to view online and presented as a hybrid live event for local audiences BAITHOUSE invites guest artists, writers, academics, and designers from across Australia to engage in Q&As and discussion around swamp technology, digital life, and internet (sub-)cultures.

Session times: 11.30am, 1pm & 2.30pm
ACMI Fed Square 16/03/24

Adelaide Film Festival, EXPAND Lab 2023

Adelaide Film Festival (AFF) announced today the 30 participants selected to take part in AFF EXPAND Lab 2023. This intensive five-day Lab brings together some of Australia’s most creative and inventive artists, filmmakers and XR and VR practitioners in a development and commissioning process to foster new ideas for moving image artworks.

Following a national call for Expressions of Interest, 95 applications were received for the 30 places in the Lab (15 South Australian and 15 national participants). Participants will form teams during the Lab and develop concepts to pitch for the AFF/Samstag $100,000 Moving Image Commission. In addition, two projects will be selected for mentoring by Illuminate Adelaide and the Art Gallery of South Australia.

The mentors for 2023 AFF EXPAND Lab are time-bending digital artist DANIEL CROOKS, theatre maker & media artist ROBERT WALTON, highly respected moving image & film producer BRIDGET IKIN with video artist and filmmaker AMOS GEBHARDT joining as a mentor for the first part of the lab.

AFF EXPAND Lab is an initiative of Adelaide Film Festival with Samstag Museum of Art, Art Gallery of South Australia and Illuminate Adelaide. It is supported by Principal Partner The Balnaves Foundation and Arts South Australia.

Tully Arnot (NSW) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, XR/VR Creator

Max Brading (SA) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, XR/VR Creator

Jake Bresanello (SA) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, Filmmaker

Thom Buchanan (SA) – Visual Artist

Linda Chen (ACT) – Writer, Performer

Marcus Chong (VIC) – Visual Artist, Filmmaker

Chloe de Brito (NSW) – Visual Artist, Filmmaker

Miles Dunne (SA) – Visual Artist, Media Artist

Nisa East (NSW) – Filmmaker, Cinematographer

Deborah Kelly (NSW) – Visual Artist

Isobel Knowles (VIC) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, Filmmaker, XR/VR Creator

Bryce Kraehenbuehl (SA) – Visual Artist, Filmmaker, Videographer

Anna Lindner (SA) – Visual Artist, Filmmaker, Writer

Liang Xia Luscombe (VIC) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, Filmmaker

Chris Luscri (VIC) – Filmmaker

Charlotte Mars (NSW) – Filmmaker

Orlando Mee (SA) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, XR/VR Creator, Games Creative

Conor Mercury (SA) – Filmmaker

Kim Munro (SA) – Media Artist, Filmmaker

Yasemin Sabuncu (SA) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, Videographer, Games Creative

Ryan Sahb (SA) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, Filmmaker, Videographer

Cynthia Schwertsik (SA) – Visual Artist, Performance

Liam Somerville (SA) – Media Artist, Filmmaker, XR/VR Creator, Games Creative

Van Sowerwine (VIC) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, Filmmaker, XR/VR Creator

Will Spartalis (SA) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, Filmmaker, Composer

Kate Vinen (NSW) – Filmmaker

Yandell Walton (VIC) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, XR/VR Creator

Raymond Zada (SA) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, XR/VR Creator

Emile Zile (VIC) – Visual Artist, Media Artist, Filmmaker

Third Year PhD Milestone complete

Entering the final stretch of my practice-based PhD at Digital Ethnography Research Center RMIT. Presentation to outside assessor occurred on 5 July 2021, no revisions required.

Next steps;
– Revise and rewrite chapters on public performance works ‘4500 Lumens’, ‘Audience / Performer / Lens (after Dan Graham)’, ‘Becoming The Icon’
– Write concluding chapter and refine introduction chapter
– Confirm public screening and talk in late 2021 at ACMI Cinemas

Connection in Times of Isolation


What role do we want technology to play in connecting our art practices to the wider world? What skills are artists working in isolated or remote parts of the world equipped with? Can issues such as digital saturation and digital inequality be overcome in order to create a more sustainable future?

Like many regional artists, Kim Goldsmith and Alana Hunt often create work in relatively isolated parts of Australia. In contrast, Jessica Olivieri and Emile Zile both practice in metropolitan areas, but have been no less impacted by the isolation imposed by lockdowns. What can these artists teach each other about isolation and digital connection, and how might this inform our thinking about where to next as arts practitioners?

Online Conversation on 25 Nov 2020

AEST: 03:30pm – 04:30pm
ACST: 03:00pm – 04:00pm
AWST: 12:30pm – 01:30pm

Pandemic Playlists

During Plague 2k20 *the big PAUSE* I have been having conversations with Melbourne-based artists, writers and creative operators about their responses to COVID-19 and what media they are consuming while under quarantine, lockdown, isolation and/or temporary hiatus… While our bodies are slowed and our antennas are raised I’ve tried to capture some of the social histories of CV-19.

Subscribe on all major podcast platforms [Apple, Spotify, Google, WWW, RSS]

Sound by Carl Anderson, Graphic by Lauren Messina.
Pandemic Playlists is supported by the City of Melbourne Covid19 Quick Response Art Grants.

ICON – Field Theory

In September 2018 the artist collective Field Theory invited me to join them on the large-scale performance and documentation project ICON. Finding a member of the public and turning their life into a spectacle and stage-show. Live-in punk ethnography on the kitchen benchtop. Days spent living with the ‘Icon’ and staging elements of their life at Federation Square. ICON is up for an award at the Green Room Awards, ‘Innovation in Durational Performance’.

Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art, Los Angeles

In late May I will be in Los Angeles for the Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art at Otis College of Art and Design Los Angeles.

— Art and Politics in the Age of Cognitive Capitalism —

Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art (SFSIA) is a nomadic, intensive summer academy with shifting programs in contemporary critical theory academy that originated in Saas Fee, Switzerland in 2015 and moved to Berlin in 2016. SFSIA stresses an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the relationship between art and politics. This year, in addition to the Berlin academy, we are hosted in Los Angeles by Otis College of Art and Design with participation of the MA Aesthetics and Politics in the School of Critical Studies at CalArts.

The academy was founded by fine artist and theorist Warren Neidich, is co-directed by art critic and poet Barry Schwabsky. Sarah Beadle is Director of Administration. It was conceived in 2014 as part of an ongoing effort to engage contemporary artists in political, socio-economic, philosophical and historical discourses concerning the power of art. Importantly it realizes that art plays both a generative and emancipatory role in producing theory while at the same time being aware of Neoliberal capitalism’s recuperative prowess.

The program runs two weeks and is structured with half-day seminars, deep readings, and workshops. In the evening SFSIA holds a lecture series, which is open to the public.

Alva Noë, Andrew Culp, Arne De Boever, Barry Schwabsky, Candice Lin, Ed Finn, Eleanor Kaufman, Florencia Portocarrero, Graham Harman, Jason Smith, Jennifer Teets, Johanna Drucker, John C. Welchman, Juli Carson, Kenneth Reinhard, Mary Kelly, N. Katherine Hayles, Nima Bassiri, Renee Petropoulos, Reza Negarestani, Sanford Kwinter, Suparna Choudhury, Warren Neidich.

PhD at Digital Ethnography Research Centre

I’m pleased to announce in February I will be embarking on PhD study at the Digital Ethnography Research Centre (DERC), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia.

A 3.5 year practice-based research period to study lens-based performance on video sharing networks, gesture and interface online and the influence of algorithmic cultures on the social body.

The support offered by a Design and Creative Practice ECP scholarship for the duration of the study will greatly support my practical outcomes, including new performance work, large-scale film making projects and exhibitions.

My research blog is now online and serves as a public platform for outcomes related to the PhD.

DERC focuses on understanding a contemporary world where digital and mobile technologies are increasingly inextricable from the environments and relationships in which everyday life plays out.

DERC excels in both academic scholarship and in our applied work with external partners from industry and other sectors.

DERC approaches this world and how we experience it through innovative, reflexive and ethical ethnographic approaches, developed through anthropology, media and cultural studies, design, arts and documentary practice and games research.

Our research is incisive, interventional and internationally leading. Going beyond the call of pure academia we combine academic scholarship with applied practice to produce research, analysis and dissemination projects that are innovative and based on ethnographic insights.

DERC partners and collaborates with a range of institutions in Australia and globally, including other universities, companies and other organisations. This includes collaborative research projects, conferences, symposia and workshops, and international visits, fellowships and publications.

The Digital Ethnography Research Centre (DERC) was established in December 2012 by Larissa Hjorth and Heather Horst with the aim of consolidating and further developing RMIT’s strength in international digital innovation. The Centre is now Directed by Sarah Pink who will be taking it into its second stage of development from 2016.

DERC members are aligned into Labs to represent their research interests, DERC Labs include:

Data Ethnographies Lab
Design+Ethnography+Futures (D+E+F) Lab
Bio Inspired Digital Sensing-Lab (BIDS-Lab)
Digital Transformations Lab
Visual Impact
Migration and Digital Media Lab