Facebook for Business
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Success Stories

Case studies like these inspire and motivate us. See how businesses like yours are growing with Facebook marketing.

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Attracting fashion shoppers using Facebook store sales optimization

Blenders Eyewear

Cost-effective sales with sponsored messages in Messenger

Firebirds Wood Fired Grill

Generating loyalty club memberships using Facebook lead ads

Mead Johnson

Increasing brand awareness with video ads on Facebook and Instagram


Finding subscription box customers with Messenger


Maximizing holiday sales and reach with ads in Instagram Stories

Bremerton Wellness

Finding new patients with Facebook lead ads

Pits and Pals

Delivering convenience and time savings with ticketing for Facebook Events

Canada Learning Code

Increasing awareness and class signups using Facebook’s optimization strategies

Tough Mudder

Intensifying ad recall with Facebook mobile video ads


Maximizing ad spend with Facebook video ads and automatic placements

Designs by JuJu

More efficient ad spend with Facebook campaign budget optimization


Seizing Black Friday sales with Facebook’s campaign budget optimization


Expanding quality leads with Facebook MobileWorks video ads

Avis Budget Group

Expanding the pool of candidates with Jobs on Facebook


Start telling people about your business.

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