24 year old Mapuche Youth Murdered by Chilean Police

BREAKING: 24-year-old Mapuche youth, Camilo Catrillanca Marín, has been murdered by Chilean riot police after a violent raid in the autonomous community of Temucuicui in the southern Chilean province of Ercilla.
Peñi Catrillanca received a shot to the head, as authorities raided the community to allegedly “recuperate” three stolen police vehicles.
Camilo Catrillanca
Camilo Catrillanca Marín dancng in ceremony in the community of Temucuicui
As the grandson of Lonko [Chief] Marcelo Catrillanca Queipul, and the son of Marcelo Catrillanca Queipul, leader of the “Ignacio Queipul Millanao” Community in Temucuicui, the peñi was a well known spokesperson of Mapuche land rights.
The operation was led by the “Jungla” Commando—a tactical unit of the Chilean National Police Force, who recently trained in Columbia as part of the government’s “anti-insurgency” and “anti-terrorism” intiative against ongoing indigenous Mapuche mobilization.
News in Development
Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Walmapu

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