Pebble Mine & The Battle for Bristol Bay


Report from subMedia.Tv reports on the struggle against Pebble Mine in so-called Bristol Bay.

Trump officials are rushing to ram through permits for the proposed Pebble Mine before the end of Trump’s first term as president. The mine would be the largest gold mine in the world and the largest open-pit mine in North America, built amidst the headwaters of the world’s biggest remaining wild salmon runs, in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region. 32 Alaska Native tribal communities living off the road system depend on these salmon runs for between 30% and 40% percent of all the food they eat, as the have for thousands of years. During the last 10 years, Alaska Natives and their allies have successfully chased off four of the world’s biggest mining companies, protesting at annual shareholder meetings. But now that the Trump administration has placed industry lobbyists in the top regulatory positions, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is pushing through permits for the proposed Pebble Mine four times faster than the process they conducted for much smaller mines under other administrations.

July 1st, 2019 is the final deadline for public comments.

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