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After four years of struggle and preparations the Enough is Enough Info-Café finally opened

On December 22 the Enough is Enough Info-Café opened its doors in Wuppertal, German territory. A short report and podcast about four years of struggle and the first day of the Enough is Enough Info-Café.

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#Finland: Direct action against Dragon Mining company in #Valkeakoski continues

For the second time this week, protesters have closed the entrance to the planned Kaapelinkulma gold mine in Valkeakoski, Finland. A three meter tall tripod was used on the road and one person sat on it for several hours from early morning Thursday January 31st 2019. In addition, three people climbed on machines on the site. With nonviolent action, Pelastetaan Kaapelinkulma (Save Kaapelinkulma) movement aims to prevent Dragon Mining from starting blasting at the planned mine site. Save Kaapelinkulma also requires authorities to interfere in the unsustainable activities of the infamous mining company. 

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#Paris: Refugees evicted in Porte-de-la Chapelle

Tuesday evening, saw a massive eviction of Paris’s Porte de la Chapelle urban camp. According to Paris Refugee Ground Support (Warning Facebook Link), hundreds were brought to gymnasiums to get out of the cold overnight — but hundreds more were left behind to fend for themselves.

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#Berlin: Solidarity with the anarchist squat #MundoNuevo in #Thessaloniki

Since more than a week, the anarchist squat Mundo Nuevo in Thessaloniki, GR is threatened with eviction once again. In the past, it has been threatened by different sides, like the owner of the building (local municipality of the city), fascists and directly by the cops, each utilizing different tactics for their causes.

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Yellow Letter #20: Let’s Shut it Off

Since the beginning of the Yellow Vests movement, mysterious Yellow Letters have been circulated on roundabouts and social networks. With customary poetic and theoretical acumen, this 20th Letter lays the foundations for a strategy of combat: “if the cold reason from above is to give way to the common sense from below, we must gather ever more people.” -Lundi matin

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#Mexico: Trans women, Pamela Sandoval Ramirez murdered in her beauty salon

Mexico has the second most transgender murders in the world behind Brazil. Over 200 transgender people have been killed in the last 3 years, mainly women. This is the first trans murder this year.

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Lessons From Latin American #Feminism – Video Presentation

Video presentation by Bree Busk and Romina Akemi discussing the global implications of the current upsurge of feminist activity in Latin America with a focus on Chile and Argentina.

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A Vest That Fits All

The best and the worst can wear the yellow vest. But the future of the movement—and much else besides—will be decided in the streets, and not by the discourse of the befuddled left.

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ACTION ALERT – Urgent Call for Solidarity Action to Stop Work on #Unistoten Territory

Coastal Gaslink (CGL) is currently bulldozing Unist’ot’en territory, including through our traplines, to establish a man camp without having conducted any prior Archaeological Impact Assessment for the site. We know from our histories that grave sites and cultural sites are scattered throughout our territory, and we believe that these sites are currently at risk of irreversible damage.

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Sunday 03 February: Open prepatory meeting for an Anarchist Book Fair in #Wuppertal

On Sunday February 3, 2019, an open prepatory meeting for an Anarchist Book Fair will take place in Wuppertal, German territory. The meeting starts at 15:00 at the Enough is Enough Info-Café at Wiesenstrasse 48 in Wuppertal. People who have time and want to make the anarchist book fair in Wuppertal possible are welcome.

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#Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group: Lessons from the #YellowVests

The only realistic approach to climate change is one that recognises the inequality in our society. The policies of neo-liberalism, in particular carbon pricing, are a prescription for failure. Workers and communities currently reliant on unsustainable industries deserve a just transition. Working class living standards as a whole must be protected to maintain social support for a transition to a carbon free economy. The price of the transition must be borne by those who built and profited from unsustainable industries – the capitalists. In short, we need to abolish capitalism. It is the only strategy that can work.

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