A last-minute holiday gift that (de-)Trumps all!

By Andy Bichlbaum on Dec 11 2018 - 8:10pm Tagged:

Dear Friend,

Remember when we told you we were cooking up a surprise—something that would put a smile on your face and a big ugly orange grimace on someone else's? Well, our world-jiggling plan's nearly here!

Like thousands of you, we worked hard around the midterm elections. The House and many state-level offices will now be in the hands of Democrats. That makes our big little project even more potent, and we can't wait to unveil it. But we need just a little more moolah to finish this job.

Thanks to your already incredible generosity, the project is nearing the finish line. All we need now is to cover a few remaining project costs, and to pay everyone a token amount for the months of work it's entailed, keeping everyone's spirits up so we can make the best project we possibly can.

Luckily, it's ho-ho-ho season, so any contribution (and the rewards that come with it) can make a nice gift, personally dedicated and emailed to the feisty young niece, worried grandma, or politically bewildered brother of your choice. (The project itself, and therefore the rewards, will be ready early in the New Year.)

Can you kick in $20, $35, $50 or more to kick off the new Congress in style, and help put our country on track to a better future?

Here's wishing us all a happy holiday season and—especially—many happy returns!

The Yes Men and friends

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