The ELT Worker - Issue 4, Summer 2019

Issue 4 of the ELT Worker Bulletin, with more information on the new TEFL Workers' Union and other discussions of the industry.

IWW Deliveroo riders strike and blockade in London

IWW Deliveroo picket, Swiss Cottage, London.

Deliveroo riders organising with the London IWW have been taking spontaneous action for improved wages and working conditions, shutting down one of Deliveroo's 'dark kitchens' in Swiss Cottage, North-West London.

Delfin English teachers win contract improvements after joining IWW

After joining the TEFL Workers Union, teachers at Delfin Language School in London have won paid meetings, paid CPDs, paid sick days, a pay policy, and an end to zero-hours contracts.

The ELT Worker - Issue 3, March/April 2019

Issue 3 of the ELT Worker Bulletin, discussing recent organising attempts in the industry, working conditions and more.

TEFL Workers' Union launched in London

IWW members in London are building a union for all workers in the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) industry. If you work in a language school anywhere in the UK and would like to get involved, please contact us at tefl@iww.org.uk or through our facebook page.

“Give me my job back, say sorry, and don’t do it again” – Interview with a worker sacked for being trans

An interview with a British trans IWW member who was fired for using the toilet at work, but after the company was picketed by the Sheffield section, got their job back.

The Freelance Journalists Union Goes Public

The Industrial Workers of the World has just launched a new organisation for workers in the Journalism sector.

Not a single wheel can turn: Further thoughts on organising and mobilising in the “gig” economy

A report on Deliveroo riders in Manchester taking their second day of strike action. Originally published on the New Syndicalist.

The Passing of Parliament - Monty Miller

A letter by Monty Miller criticising the newspaper International Socialist for its support of the Australian Socialist Party electoral campaigns and its criticism of direct action.

Montague "Monty" Miller - 1831 -1920

From Eureka, 1854 to the IWW, 1917. Campaigning for One Big Union.

Biographical information on the life and death of Montague "Monty" Miller, Australian anarchist and IWW member.