1926 general strike

Aberdeen in the general strike

Published in 1977 by Aberdeen People's Press, this book gives a local account of the British general strike of 1926 and how it played out in Aberdeen, Scotland. Interestingly the text is critical of the TUC and Labour party whereas most accounts outwith libertarian circles are not.

The General Strike in York, 1926

Leaflet produced by the University of York's Borthwick Institute detailing the 1926 General Strike and its how it played out in the City of York.

The 1926 general strike in Hackney

Armoured vehicles protect scab deliveries during the general strike

Barry Burke's account of the UK general strike of 1926 in the East London borough of Hackney.

1926 general strike photo gallery

Photos and documents from the British general strike of 1926. Taken from Woolf Online.

Diary of Virginia Woolf during the 1926 General Strike

Indifferent account of the 1926 General Strike by writer Virginia Woolf.

Diary of Margaret Woods during the 1926 General Strike

Diary account from a schoolgirl during the 1926 General Strike which is largely critical but reproduced for reference.

Labour law and order

Ernest Bevin

An article by Preston Clements for Freedom on the repeal of the Trades Dispute Act in 1946 and the reactionary nature of both the Labour Party and T.U.C.

Millwall not scabs shock

Prior to the two clubs meeting at The Den back in September 2011, Transpontine discussed the Millwall and West Ham rivalry and asked whether its origins in the 1926 General Strike is based on reality of fiction.

Nine days in May: the 1926 general strike in Southwark

Past Tense's edition of this account of the general strike in South London, containing both an overview of events and testimonies by those involved in the strike.

Charting the class struggle

I was looking into the historical data on strike days in Britain for a feature in Catalyst, but there's a lot more to discuss than we could fit in the paper, so I've extended it to a blog post.