Thursday, September 27, 2018

White Supremacist Proud Boys Assault Antifascist Dance Party And Get More Than They Bargained For

On September 15, 2018 Major League Liberty (MLL), an alt-right lunatic fringe propaganda outlet operating on the agenda of spreading conspiracy theories while attempting to normalize racism and ultra-nationalism, held a permitted event  “Rally to Protest Internet Censorship of Conservatives” at the Colorado State Capitol in Denver. 

The event was organized by local fascist shithead “Louie Huey”, we don't know his real name yet, but he's down with the rest of the MLL clowns, and up until August 29th, was a member of the Colorado Proud Boys. 

These grown men, who seem rather fond of referring to themselves and each other as "Boys", have engaged nationally in acts of violence against minority communities, are vocal Islamophobes, rabidly anti-immigration, support austerity economics, transphobia, pro-imperialism, and pro-colonialism, which led to being classified as a hate group by SPLC. 
Part of the PB "rebranding" is to deny that they are white supremacist fascists; instead, they are claim to be “Western Chauvinists”. 

Colorado members of the Proud Boys frequently align themselves with other white nationalist groups in Colorado, including the Three Percenters, TPUSA and the now disbanded Traditionalist Workers Party. It should also be noted that Proud Boys and affiliates fought side-by-side with fascists at the August 2017 “Unite The Right” rally in Charlottesville,which resulted in 35 people being injured and the murder of Heather Heyer. 

Locals Louie Huey, Zach Lightner, and Shane Reeves also traveled to Patriot Prayer in Portland earlier this summer, participating in Joey Gibson's neo-fascist street gathering that resulted in the ever loving fascist pigs to attack the crowd that gathered to protest the Nazis.

On the morning on September 15 in Denver, a small group met at the clocktower on 16th and Arapahoe in downtown Denver to do outreach and gain public support for "Good Night Alt Right: Mobile Resistance Dance Party." Before the anti-racist party-goers could even get started on outreach, six or more pigs in their "unmarked" SUVs were seen parked across the mall, while a handful of Proud Boys wearing their Fred Perry polo uniforms were sitting in nearby restaurant patios, in what appeared to be a set up for an ambush. One Proud Boy acted as bait and repeatedly antagonized and physically harassed the dance party, refusing to leave. Once the party moved from the clock tower, no cops were in sight. 
Knowing Denver Police Department's history of violent crack down on dissent and radical protest movements, it seemed rather suspicious that there was no visible police presence following the dance party as they were being antagonized and followed by Proud Boys. 

The Proud Boy who had been previously harassing the antifascist dance party earlier followed and assaulted one of the party participants at the end of the mall near Court Street, in full view of the public.  The dance party continued to move and made its way to the capitol, where State Police denied the party entry to the Capitol stairs through use of police bikes as a barricade. Citing the need for a permit, one cop reached over and unplugged the  party's sound system and continued to protect MLL three hours before their permit officially began.  After fixing the sound system and a lot of shit talk, the mobile dance party made its way back toward the general public gathered at the amphitheater and Civic Center Park, across from the capitol. 

Soon after, the party was confronted by a group of Proud Boys wielding sticks, melee weapons, and LARP gear in Veteran's Park. Law enforcement eventually made the Proud Boys leave and the antifascist dance party decided to move once again into Civic Center Park.

Meanwhile, as white supremacists gathered at the state capitol under the protection of law enforcement, a state trooper decided to increase the level of toxic masculinity and collaboration between police and fascists organizing for street violence.  A state trooper asked the neo-fascists to turn off their cameras and then the state trooper made a message of blatant solidarity with the fascists, which was then livestreamed to the internet by pro-NRA and citizen journalist page "The Frosty Report". Frosty Report has been disrupting and heavily surveilling youth Never Again events this spring and it was of no surprise to see Frosty Report collaborating with neo-fascist groups on the capitol stairs.  This foolish recording by Frosty Report allowed a leftist Twitter account to alert the general public and local media of blatant collaboration between law enforcement and neo-fascist groups.

9 News reports,

“In a video, the trooper then appears to speak to the men in red hats displaying, 'Make America Great Again,' saying: 'I know some of you came here to fight. I can tell by what you're wearing. That's not happening today. If you want to fight, stick around, I've got a couple guys, they also want to fight.'
The group of men cheered. One man can be heard on a Facebook live stream saying 'Let’s stay tight Proud Boys!'"

The officer was placed on paid leave within 24 hours.  We would like to take a moment to thank the “Frosty Report” for not listening to that cop's request and for filming his statement, like the total dumbasses you truly are; we thank you for inadvertently snitching on yourselves.  Keep up the great work fellas; maybe you can get all the cops suspended next time!  You were the best media antifascists could have asked for that day.  Don't let all the other racists who are mad at you for livestreaming that cop get you down.  We will always have a special place for you in our cold, black & frosty hearts. 

The “Frosty Report” later requested their incriminating video to be removed from the leftist Twitter account, citing “copyright infringement.” This is ironic, considering the whole rally was supposedly organized to protest the internet censorship of conservatives and the removal of neo-fascist content from the web.

After the dance party regrouped in Civic Center Park, about 14 people began walking  to meet up with the other group of anti-racist protestors gathered in Veteran's Park as the party crossed Lincoln, about 10 Proud Boys chose to come down from the capitol without a police escort to antagonize the dance party and start some shit. 

After 4-6 minutes of confrontation, two Proud Boys required further medical attention in the back of an ambulance; police arrested seven anti racist protestors, detained one anti racist protestor and zero neo-fascists were arrested. The Proud Boys failed to physically censor people's rights to denounce white supremacy and the dance party was successful at defending itself.
Here is a screen cap of Martin Meyers issuing threats back in August.

By the way, our comrades down South wrote about the lil' raging racist hipster man-baby Martin Meyers awhile back, if you want to check out his bio, CoSpringsAntifa did some great write ups;

A fews day later an article began to publically circulate, exposing GOP candidate Walker Stapleton’s Super PAC at the white supremacist rally for the intent purpose of recruiting new staff for his campaign. 
The report also said what many people noticed - two of the featured speakers at this lunatic fringe Rally of Racists were State Rep. Alexander “Skinny” Winkler (Northglenn) and the GOP Republican candidate for Colorado's 7th Congressional district, Mark Barrington.

While antifascists usually abstain from partisan party politics, and will continue to do so, this glaring and disturbing revelation cannot go unmentioned. 

Walker Stapleton's great grandfather was Benjamin Franklin Stapleton, the Mayor of Denver for two periods, comprising five terms. He also served as a high-ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan while the Colorado State Auditor from 1933 to 1935.  Benjamin Stapleton's reign as mayor is considered to be one of the darkest times in Colorado history.  It seems that in the case of the Stapleton Legacy, the apple does not fall far from the tree. 
Walker Stapleton, the great grandson of the Klansmen Mayor of Denver, and the current Colorado State Treasurer, used a white supremacist rally to recruit staff and volunteers for a gubernatorial election run for 2018. 

Walker Stapetlon was also a key speaker at the Western Conservative Summit, the event of the year for these parasites, where old and young racists alike gather to court and recruit, adding to their racist ranks. 
Of course being held at the Co Convention center, it was crawling with neo-fascist locals Louie Huey, Ty Freedom, Zack G.(Don't these guys have jobs? They sure have a lot of free time to be galavanting around everywhere like the Divas they want to be)!

Meanwhile, Walker Stapleton tries to deny his family's obvious deep ties to white supremacy and the Klan. He claims that the Stapleton family's racist ideology is a thing of the past; yet Stapleton has repeatedly aligned himself with white nationalist platforms, both locally and nationally.

It is clear: "free speech" events such as the one on September 15th in Denver are anattempt to normalize white supremacy and racism in public discourse.

Friday, July 21, 2017

William Scott Planer and the Total Failure of the Colorado Traditionalist Workers Party

William Scott Planer at the Proud Boy's "free speech" rally in Boulder on June 3rd, 2016. Obvious Nazi is obvious. Fecal in the gray shirt in the back.

Wow, the nazis in Colorado sure have been actively pursuing fucking up their lives recently. It seems like not too long ago when William Scott Planer got put in jail in El Paso County, Colorado on a half a million dollar bail. Oh wait, that was earlier this week.

Sit down and grab a seat, let's start from the beginning.

Our story begins in Sacremento on June 26th, 2016, when anti-fascists clashed with nazi fucks from Golden State Skinheads and Traditionalist Worker's Party. The Traditionalist Worker's Party (TWP) had called for a rally at the state capitol, and Planer was in attendance. He'd traveled with fellow nazi Joshua O'Leary from Colorado Springs, crossing state lines to get back to California, the state from which he hails and had already been convicted of two violent felonies in.

William and Joshua seig heiling in front of anti-war demonstrators. Taken from his facebook.

The events that transpired at Sacramento made national headlines. The rally was particularly violent, with nazis assaulting and even stabbing anti-racist counter-protestors. Last year we wrote an article exposing Planer to the community here in Colorado, detailing his long history of violence/nazism and his more recent involvement with the TWP. In that article we shared a video of him at the rally, which shows him beating a woman with a pole, breaking it over her head and running off. What's interesting is that Planer, a two time felon in California, had moved to Colorado presumably to avoid that third and final felony that would land him in prison for a life sentence. So why travel back to the state you were hoping to avoid to commit more felonies? No idea, honestly. We can't possibly fathom what it takes to be that stupid.

However, after managing to return from this stupid escapade without a "third strike" prison sentence, William seems to have thought, "Why not keep doing these things? There's no way the FBI will notice a twice-convicted violent felon and self-identified neo-nazi traveling all over the country for the express reason of assaulting people.  Yes, I really am this stupid." Okay this isn't quite a direct quote of William's thoughts, but probably pretty damn close, obviously William's thoughts are a lot more incoherent. On the Daily Stormer forum for the Denver area, Planer can be seen describing his travels over the last year to violent nazi demonstrations like the ones in Sacramento, Berkeley, and Pikeville.  He also claims to be "the original stickman" on these forums, presumably in reference to the assault he committed in Sacramento last year. We also have spotted him at local events such as Milo at CU Boulder, the Proud Boys' "Free Speech Rally", and the "March Against Sharia" on June 10th.

So after a year of traveling across the country to hit women with poles for the glory of the white race, it seems that his crimes are catching up to him. He is now being charged with felony "participating in a riot" and "assault with a deadly weapon" for his actions in Sacramento.

The leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party, Matthew Heimbach, issued a response to the arrest which states that William Planer was "in the right" when he assaulted a woman with a deadly weapon in Sacramento. He even went as far as to say Planer “is a normal, working blue-collar American patriot". We wonder how many "normal American patriots" hang photos of Adolf Hitler in their home like William Planer does? Or how many of them have tattoos of fascist imagery, are members of Nazi gangs, and go on nation wide vacations just to assault people? As blue-collar workers ourselves, we also wonder how many other proletarians have business owning parents with large country estates... Certainly not many.

Fast forward to June 10th, 2017. A national Islamaphobic event entitled a "March Against Sharia" had been called for by the incredibly racist nonprofit, Act for America. Across the nation these events were met with counter protests and demonstrations and Denver was no different. In addition to the usual pieces of shit that populate these events (Bikers Against Radical Islam, III%ers, Oathkeepers, etc.) was the Denver Daily Stormer book club. They made quite the spectacle of it both online and off, calling for "White Sharia" even. Wait, White Sharia? Wasn't this a march against Sharia? Y'all motherfuckers are denser than a neutron star.

Content warning for the image below: sexism, misogyny, abuse, Islamaphobia.

One of the many instances of the Denver DS book club advocating for "white sharia". Fecal is responsible for both making and posting this image.

In addition to talking a bunch of whack shit online, they showed up to the "march" in full cosplay. I'm talking crusader outfits and flags. But none of that is surprising, the Daily Stormer book club is populated with the worst of the worst of the /pol/ "kekistan" variety. You know the ones. The nazis that masturbate to anime in their mom's basement. What is surprising is why William Scott Planer, affiliated with both the TWP and Golden State Skins, would wanna throw down with a bunch of pimply ass teenagers. Especially when they spent the last several months talking shit to him on a website that he could barely even figure out how to navigate. 

Content warning for the image below: racial and homophobic slurs.

William, writing as "Scottstuka88" (a play on "swastika" with an 88 thrown in for good measure... again, obvious nazi is obvious), unsuccessfully tries to impress the nerds on the Daily Stormer.

So the nazis turned up looking like total fools and almost immediately the militia groups recognized them as, *gasp*, Real Full Fledged Nazis and Not The Fake Kind That Everyone Calls Me (tm). What gave it away? The Traditionalist Worker's Party pamphlets? The swastikas? The "white pride" clothing?  (Perhaps even the fact that they outright claim themselves to be nazis?) Hard to say what tipped them off since literally every aspect of their existence screams NAZI at any reasonable person, but that's besides the point. So the "march" goers kicked them out of their rally to make themselves look good for the cameras, pushing them outside the police lines that had been erected between the rally and the counter protestors. So of course a significant chunk of the counter protest went to confront them.

Fecal, Planer, "Aureliuss", and some bonehead after being kicked out of the "march against Sharia" event. Person on far right (no pun intended...) is a random bystander.

A scuffle ensued and the nazis got, ahem, a little roughed up. Needless to say, pouty baby William Planer got freaked out and pulled a knife, carefully hiding it behind his nazi flag. At this point the cops jumped in and detained William, telling him to sit on the ground; he obeyed like a six year old child being scolded by a teacher. After letting him have a good cry (we're not even kidding) behind a line of bike cops, they gave him back his knife and let him go on his way. Joel Geekel (or whatever) also got detained, and rather than be smart and choose to remain silent, he spouted off a bunch of gibberish to the cops for a good while, bragging that he was more important than William Planer and crying about everyone taking William more seriously. So to recap: Nazis pulled knives AT THE STATE CAPITAL, got detained, cried for awhile, and were released. None of this comes as a surprise, but it's worth emphatically stating because WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT. We're sure you know what would happen to one of our team if we had been the one with the knife, but as always, the cops protect the fascists. The cops even tucked his knife back into his back pocket for him. How nice of them. They obviously didn't run William's ID either, because turns out that he has two fugitive warrants to his name. Or they did run his ID and decided to let him go anyways. Neither is surprising. But wait, we're getting ahead of ourselves.

LOL TIMES A HUNDRED THOUSAND. What a tough nazi, crying on the ground behind a bunch of cops. Antifa, ha ha ha!

Planer had attended the rally in an attempt to "red pill" other right wingers, but only ended up pissing his pants. He was handing out Traditionalist Worker's Party pamphlets, for which he's actively recruiting to bolster his meager local chapter, of which he claims to be the "Region 9 Commander".  We're not even making this up.  He's already recruited local heroin addict John Beagle (or whatever) who serves as "Colorado State Captain" and very, very confused "non-racial fascist" *eye-roll emoji* BarbarossaUSA. We can't help but wonder if there was a knighting ceremony involved in their initiation, maybe even a tear came to Fecal's eye as he looked up at Planer towering over him and whispered quietly but fervently to himself, "My liege!". But c'mon, let's be real, in actuality he probably got his ass beat until he could name SIX cereals, one more than those pansy ass Proud Boys.

Fecal pretty much spends all of his time making shitty images to post on the DS board.

BarbarossaUSA, who is basically just Jim Smeagol's ride everywhere, has given his own "report back" of the march in which he has ceded defeat and congratulated antifa on effective tactics. Thanks Barb, we agree! Can't say we're too surprised because "We Intend To Win" and y'all just intend to shit your pants and run away crying.

After the nazis walked away from the rally with a police escort, the counter protest continued. Four got arrested opposing these white supremacist shitheads, but for what reason? We honestly don't know. Seems like the tactic is for the pigs to just randomly scoop up whoever the fuck they feel like and throw charges at them that make literally no sense. Meanwhile, fucking NAZIS with multiple felony warrants can pull knives on us with no consequences whatsoever. Again, this comes as no surprise, but the fact remains that the cops, and the state, are just as culpable as the fascists. It should be obvious to everyone at this point that the cops enable fascist violence, allowing them both a platform and legitimacy.

Regardless, the community rose up to defend itself against both state and far right violence. In light of recent events this accomplishment cannot go understated.

But wait, how does this end in Planer getting popped and locked up with a half a million dollar bail? Hold your horses, we're getting there.

A week after the events at the capital, a video surfaced of two men vandalizing a Jewish Center in Colorado Springs. In the video, the two can be seen putting stickers on the front door of the Jewish Center which read "FIGHT TERROR, NUKE ISRAEL". Ugh. Well, turns out that someone was able to correctly identify William Scott Planer as one of these men. He was arrested for this misdemeanor offense. Obviously that's no biggie for a big bad nazi, but even misdemeanors can land you in jail with a $500,000 bail if you're a dumbshit like Planer.

We've seen that pouty face before. It's Planer holding back the tears as he contemplates his shitty life decisions!

It remains to be seen who in fact identified Planer, but we can't help but wonder if Josh Fecal, desperate for a leadership position in the newly formed Colorado TWP chapter, was willing to inform on his supposed ally. As we mentioned, while being detained by police on June 10th, Fecal went on a little bit of a tirade about how he was the bigger, badder nazi and he seemed more than a little peeved that Planer had stolen some of his limelight, going so far as to cry about Planer's name appearing before his in a news article. Could it be that the nazis are as shitty to one another as they are to literally everyone else? Hmmm.

So, to summarize: William Scott Planer is currently in jail on a half a million dollar bail after being caught putting a sticker on a door, a feat that even a twelve year old could pull off with no consequences. Jesus christ y'all. Hey Ryan Howe of Out Front, do you believe us that these fucks are Nazis yet? Maybe you're still more in line with Mathew Heimbach's opinion of William, who claims he's a "patently innocent family man".

Innocent family man? Looks more like a violent unhinged nazi to us

In addition, there was another as-of-yet-unidentified person who helped Planer vandalize the Jewish Center. Will Planer inform on this person in exchange for a reduced sentence? Will Planer be extradited to California and imprisoned indefinitely? Will the Traditionalist Worker's Party in Colorado fall to pieces under the leadership of shitstain heroin addict Jamey Kegel, oh shit, I mean Josh Yeakel? Sorry, we keep forgetting his name, must be that he's small fry shit and underneath our notice. The answers to this and other exciting questions on our next episode of "Nazis In Colorado Are Total Fucking Idiots".

In the meantime, if you can identify the dumbass owner of these red New Balance sneakers, let us know: 

What are those?!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Colorado Nazis To Attend "Proud Boys" Rally in Boulder

Well, the fascists are at it again.

They're "infiltrating" and organizing grassroots Trumpist rallies under the guise of "civic nationalism." While this is nothing new, there's a brand new flavor of diarrhea to add to the shit smoothie, or at least it's a new flavor here in Colorado. So who's responsible for the smell of fresh stool? None other than the Proud Boys.

These shitheads and their fascist allies have called for two events (so far) in June.

One is a "free speech" rally taking place in Boulder on Saturday, June 3rd, at the Pearl Street Mall at 12 PM.

The other is a "march against sharia" on Saturday, June 10th in Denver at the Capitol at 3:30 PM.

We're calling for everyone who wants to stand against white supremacy and defend their community to show up and voice their opposition. We'll be gathering an hour prior to both events at their respective locations. On June 3rd we'll be at the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder at 11 AM. On June 10th we'll be at the capitol steps at 2:30 PM.

Still not convinced? Need a little more understanding of just who the Proud Boys and other fascists are that plan on attending these rallies? Sure, here you go:

We'd call the Proud Boys clowns but that would be an insult to respectable clowns everywhere. (WHOOP WHOOP FAM!). Instead I think we'll stick with the diarrhea metaphor. Because the Proud Boys are the liquid yellow diarrhea that no matter how much you wipe, it doesn't go away and leaves your butthole irritated as fuck. They're headed by millionaire and overall total piece of shit Gavin McInnes. McInnes is openly racist, anti-semitic, and misogynist. In addition to all of his other shitty qualities (including his facial hair, c'mon man you look stupid!). This article written by McInnes entitled "I'm Not A Racist, Sexist, or a Homophobe You N*gger Slut F*ggot" speaks for itself. In similar vein to the article, here's a video of him compiling all of his most horrible attributes into one sentence:

Recently, the cultural icon of the Alt-Right, Kyle "Based Stickman" Chapman, announced that he was forming a "fraternal order of alt-knights" that exists within the Proud Boys. What is the word for diarrhea within diarrhea? It's like diarrhea inception. A subgenre of diarrhea. Anyhow, that's right, the ultimate of cosplay fanatics has decided to recruit and further enhance his agenda of dressing up like a fucking idiot and attacking protestors with homemade weapons in defense of fascism... only to have his ass handed to him over and over again.

This "fraternal order" operates exactly like such. They have rules and "degrees" upon a hierarchy that are incredibly reminiscent of college fraternity hazing. They even beat the shit out of each other until their newest "pledge" can name five cereals in order to level up to the second degree.

Probably couldn't remember Frosted Flakes. Proud Boys
hate flakes we hear.
Most concerning, however, is not the weird rules about masturbation (seriously? wtf y'all), but instead it's that to achieve the fourth and highest degree, one must brawl with anti-fascists in the streets. In order to "level up," Proud Boys around the country have been organizing "free speech" rallies. These are thinly veiled attempts at baiting anti-fascists into street fights. If you want to fight us, you fucking turds, why don't you just come out and fucking do it instead of hiding behind lines of riot police? It's interesting to note that Proud Boys, FOAK, and straight up run of the mill Nazis all have one enemy in common: anti-fascists. Why is that? Could it be that they are fascists and just refuse to acknowledge that in any meaningful way whatsoever? Why are we even asking this like it's a question. Of course they're fucking fascists. Fascists who tie themselves up with civic nationalists to legitimize their own endeavors. Meanwhile they exist solely to act as a paramilitary group for the Trump administration and this new brand of fascism with neoliberal tendencies (depending on how Trump feels that day). Hmm, sounds a lot like the brown shirts.

But back to the point. As we said, the Proud Boys are hosting a "free speech" rally in Boulder at the ambiguous location of "The Pearl Street Mall". Very specific guys. Normally we wouldn't find it all that shocking that a bunch of racist frat boys decided to walk up and down the shopping mall in Boulder on a Saturday afternoon... Nothing new there, but this "free speech rally" has attracted the Nazi shitheads over at the Daily Stormer, the same fucking idiots we doxxed back in March.

Josh Yeakel is a neo-Nazi who enjoys spending his time advocating for the extermination of homeless people and threatening children on the forums of the Daily Stormer, a neo-nazi website. Fecal Yeakel and his company of whiny crybabies are planning on attending the rally. Mr. Fecal even contributed his own flyer for the event. We know it looks like a bad parody of real Nazi shit, but this dude is serious. Seriously STUPID, that is.

"Goy" is anyone who is not Jewish. It's a term that Neo-Nazis on the internet use to refer to themselves.

So it looks like the Proud Boys are destined once again to violently defend Nazis, giving them a platform and a voice. Fuck that shit. This was never about free speech. It's about defending ourselves and each other against people who actively want to harass, assault, and even kill
members of our community. Just look at the news. It seems like almost every day a new racist murderer comes to the spotlight. A few people come to mind:
The above mentioned are all racist murderers. But they didn't come up with such violent white supremacist ideologies in a vacuum. They learned from others. They listened to racists. Famous racists. They found organizations like NPI (National Policy Institute, Dick Spencer's organization that advocates for a white ethnostate) and the Council of Conservative Citizens. They went to websites like the Daily Stormer, Stormfront, and Iron March. They joined groups on social media like "Alt-Reich: Nation." And we're supposed to let this continue? There is no difference between saying and doing. Saying is doing. When you advocate for genocide, rape, murder, you are doing something. People have died for this. How many more will it take before we recognize "free speech" rallies for what they are? How long before these motherfuckers come for your friend, your neighbor, your loved ones? Before they come for you? How long before nine people are killed during prayer in a church, except this time it isn't in South Carolina, it's right down the street? Are you willing to let that happen?

We're fucking not.

We won't stand by and allow these fascist, white supremacist shitstains to spread hateful rhetoric. We won't let them establish any more of a foothold here in Colorado and we'll stomp on them until every last racist dingleberry fucks off forever. We know who you shitheads are and we're watching you.

We intend to win!

We wrote this article and then immediately learned that yet another name can be added to the list of racist murderers inculcated in the cesspool of Alt-Right culture: Jeremy Joseph Christian. On Friday, May 26th, Christian began to verbally assault and harass two women on public transit, one of whom was wearing a hijab, with racial and anti-Muslim slurs, prompting other passengers to jump up in defense of the women. Christian then attacked those passengers, viciously stabbing three people. Two of those passengers are dead, a third is in critical condition.

Fuckbag who needs to get beat into a coma and never wake up: Jeremy Joseph Christian
This piece of shit wasn't intoxicated or "out of his mind," as the media will attempt to say, but instead he was a violent white supremacist who had been harboring racist ideals for a long time. Besides posting white supremacist garbage on social media, Christian had been showing up at "free speech" rallies just like the ones the Proud Boys call for and organize. At one such rally on the 29th of April, he gave Nazi salutes and called protestors racial slurs. These are the kinds of red flags that we need to watch out for, that we need to confront, that we need to eliminate. They are the precursors to disaster. When the Proud Boys host these "free speech" rallies they are allowing people like Christian to spread his hate, to up his ante, to attack and even murder people. They are responsible and to that end we'll hold them accountable. This shit has to fucking end.

We want to take a moment to honor these heroes, both fallen and surviving. They stood up and did what must be done to confront fascism. Rest In Power Ricky John Best and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche. We wish the survivor a speedy recovery. Please send your love and support, and donate here to help pay his hospital bills. Please also donate here to help the families of Best and Namkai Meche.

Monday, May 8, 2017

@Squarespace: Stop Hosting White Supremacists

Squarespace, a popular web hosting service for businesses and creative professionals, is hosting white supremacist/neo-nazi groups: Identity Evropa, Radix Journal, and Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute. Squarespace has been informed of this issue repeatedly by email, but has refused to take the websites down.

Hate websites violate Squarespace's Acceptable Use Policy (section 6.2), forbidding users to “advocate bigotry or hatred against any person or group based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual preference, age or disability.”

Identity Evropa is a white supremacist/neo-nazi “fraternity” for people of “European, non-Semitic heritage.” The group’s website distributes propaganda on “white identity” and “race, evolution, and behavior.”  The group’s physical activism includes spreading fascist-themed fliers on university campuses and holding anti-immigrant rallies that portray people of color as inherently criminal. Identity Evropa’s founder, Nathan Damigo, has committed violent hate crimes against people of color and was recently videotaped punching a woman in the face at a rally.

The National Policy Institute is led by Richard Spencer, a documented neo-nazi. NPI's website distributes “research” on “understanding Jewish influence” and supposed “racial differences in intelligence, personality, and behavior.” Spencer describes immigration as a “proxy war” and argues that white America must “conquer or die.”

Radix Journal is a collection of white supremacist essays. Some speculate about “Eugenic” policies “to flush disloyalty from our gene pool.” Others complain of a “Jewish assault on Europeans” and the failure “to expel the freed slaves from the United States.”

Squarespace has been notified via, that these websites violate their Acceptable Use terms. Squarespace’s continued hosting of these websites constitutes a tacit endorsement of their content.

Squarespace also shares moral responsibility for the violent and threatening activity organized via these websites. Squarespace profits from neo-nazism and white supremacism as long as it retains Identity Evropa, Radix Journal, and the National Policy Institute as customers.


Squarespace must end its business relationships with white supremacists. Tech companies must act in accordance with the principles they claim to support. Until Squarespace enforces its own Acceptable Use policy by REMOVING HATE SITES people of conscience should #BOYCOTTSQUARESPACE. Podcasts and other businesses with a social conscience should not accept Squarespace's ad buys.


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Monday, April 17, 2017

Defend Auburn, Alabama Against the White Power Invasion April 18th!

On Saturday, April 15th, students, anti-racists, anti-fascists, and other residents of the Bay Area clashed in the streets of Berkeley, CA against an array of organized white supremacist and far-Right forces. Unlike most events and actions the far-Right has organized in recent past — usually ending in embarrassing failure — this time members of the Right were able to bring out an organized force committed to inflicting violence against our comrades and other community members in a city once thought to be a stronghold for leftist and generally socially tolerant sentiments. Bolstered by what they view as a success, the far-Right is now bragging that if it can take over Berkeley it can do the same in any city.

Now, to add to the gravity of the situation, racist “Alt-Right” leader Richard Spencer and his goons have decided on a show of force in the South, threatening to overrun the campus of Alabama’s Auburn University with white power combatants armed with “safety gear.”

Events began with antisemitic flyers surfacing around Auburn University, promoting the founding of a campus “White Student Union”. Late on the night of Tuesday the 11th, not long after these flyers made headlines, white power leader Richard Spencer announced online that he had booked a room on AU campus for a speaking event which would take place the next
Tuesday, April 18th. Following public uproar, this Friday university officials in consultation with police announced that they had decided to cancel Spencer’s appearance due to “safety concerns”.

Spencer promptly issued a YouTube response asserting that, regardless of the cancellation, he would still show up to the campus with security teams in tow. Spencer has also arranged for other far-right leaders, such as Mike Peinovich of “The Daily Shoah,” to fly into Auburn in
support of Tuesday’s white power rally. Alt-Right chatter online makes clear that this gathering is intended to be a demonstration of power. Racist organizers are doing little to veil their intimidatory and violent intent. In addition, other groups such as “Anti-Communist
Action” have made a firm vow that “shit’s gonna go down” at Auburn on Tuesday, and are organizing their own numbers for this purpose.

We must show up ready for conflict in the numbers necessary to thwart their attempts at silencing us. We must ensure that the voices of those who oppose exterminationist agendas can be heard above those of Richard Spencer and his white nationalist and fascist supporters. A call to action has been issued to mobilize Southern anti-racists to get to Auburn. So far it is endorsed by the following organizations:

Atlanta Antifascists;
Atlanta Resistance Medics;
Athens Antifascists;
General Defense Committee, Atlanta branch;
Atlanta Redneck Revolt;
Anti-fascist News;
Ida B. Wells Coalition;
Metro Atlanta Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America;
One People’s Project;
Socialist Party of Central Alabama;
Workers’ Solidarity Alliance;
and the Young Dems of GSU.

We will be gathering at Auburn University’s Foy Hall at 6:00pm on April
18th, the same day as Spencer’s event.

This is not simply a matter of pro-Trump vs. anti-Trump. There are committed racists and fascists trying to organize in our cities and our hometowns, in our neighborhoods and at our schools. It is imperative that we come together in our communities, in strength and solidarity, to put an end to their agendas.

We ask that the people of Auburn, Alabama, the Deep South, and beyond take the strongest possible stand against white supremacy on Tuesday.

Follow @no_nazi_auburn and @afainatl for updates.

See you there!


 It's Going Down!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

White Supremacist “Trigger” Tom Sent to Hospital by Chicago Antifa

On the night of April 11th Chicago antifascist activists spotted known white Supremacist “Trigger” Tom Christensen (34) at Delilahs bar located on the Northside of Chicago. Shortly after being seen, a melee ensued between Tom and the local Antifa. Tom was sent sent to the hospital in an ambulance following a lengthy meeting with the business end of several cue sticks and a frantic 911 call from those with him. Unfortunately, two bystanders were injured by Tom during the scuffle. Both are alive and well.

For those who don’t know, Trigger Tom is a violent neo-nazi originally brought to public attention by Rose City Antifa (Portland) while attempting to infiltrate and gather information on local leftist/anarchists. Christensen has made hundreds of posts on the white supremacist forum (see bottom of article) known as under the username “whitepunx”. During his time in Portland he was actively promoting a known neo-nazi organization called Volksfront International. Tom has also claimed responsibility for shooting and paralyzing an Antifa comrade while in Portland. Shortly after being doxed, it became very clear that Tom’s presence would not be tolerated by antifascists in Portland and he was forced to move to Chicago and has been remained on the radar of antifascists. He has done a good job slipping through the cracks, until this past Tuesday.

Since Toms residency in Chicago he has been seen violently attacking women on more than one occasion and is currently involved in “men’s rights activism”. As recently as February, he has associated himself with groups like Proud Boys, supporting a fundraiser for a midwest chapter. Tom has been questioned by friends about his racism but is very good at using manipulative language to paint himself as non-threatening and not racist. Something he was said to be very good at in Portland as well. However, for those who are more perceptive or more knowledgeable in the language of fascism, his true intentions tend to surface.

Tom, second from left, With Proud Boys   

Tom was confronted by Chicago antifascists who believe that neo-nazis are not to be debated with, but rather pushed out of any community or scene. If someone’s beliefs are based of the oppression of others, that belief poses a bigger threat to our society than the discomfort or pain experienced by those who hold them.
So, “Trigger” Tom Christensen, this message is for you. You can spin whatever story you want out of what happened at Delilah’s. You can deflect blame onto other groups all you want, we’re telling you that the reason you got dealt that beating, was we see you and know who you really are. Chicago is no more safer for you than Portland was when you tucked your tail and ran. But, hey, don’t take our word for it, stick around and we’ll have some more fun. Y’know, maybe shoot some more pool sometime.

Antifascist forever!


 South Side Chicago ARA

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Alex Beck: The Irrelevant Turd-Waffle Behind Fascist Honeypot ""

If you're outside of antifa circles, you may not have noticed that, after Trump's inauguration, the far-right began making honeypot websites in a pathetic attempt to doxx antifascists. One such website that garnered attention was "," created by Denver-area nobody Alex Beck. We want to make it clear from the start that Beck has very little of interest to say in regards to pretty much anything. Though he likes to throw around slurs and conduct strange racist demonstrations, his incoherent "libertarian" politics are completely beside the point to us. Antifascists are interested in Alex Beck because he is attempting to track us and our allies and, in doing so, is aiding fascists.

In an article written for Campus Reform, a publication that hired a vocal supporter of a neo-Nazi gang member who burned down a historic Black church as a "journalist," Alex Beck claimed that Antifa painted a Valentine's Day love note on the side of his father's company vehicle.

In the article, Beck claims “Numerous groups and individuals have alleged that I setup as a honeypot to collect ANTIFA information. All of the claims are false ... Truth be told, I didn't even have the means to do this ..." If this were the case we wonder if he could explain this script in's source code that appears to be tracking users:

The code appears to relay information to Google Analytics and Survey Monkey. While Beck may not be able to retrieve the IP addresses of his website's visitors using this software, he can likely retrieve somewhat useful information for doxxing. This probably includes the visitor's internet service provider, approximate location, and possibly even social media information.

For this reason, we encourage everyone to avoid visiting this website altogether. However, if you must, some precautions can help. Use Tor Browser, and make sure you are not logged into any social media on your computer at the time. (A VPN with the same social media precautions will also likely thwart Beck from being able to find out much useful information.) Using Privacy Badger, a tool provided by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, also helps to block trackers like Google Analytics and Survey Monkey.

Currently, this site is basically just a link to another site where Beck complains about antifa with a script running trackers in the background, so we really don't see much of a reason to visit at all. Beck has also recently met with equally-irrelevant shitlord Ivan Throne, a "Men's Rights Activist" who promotes psychopathy and claims to be "more Nazi than [Richard] Spencer." Well Beck, we've been about twenty steps ahead of you this whole time, but if you aren't "done playing," we're happy to make sure you quit playing.

Alex Beck Info:

Phone: 720.301.2784 (possibly changed)
Religion: Catholic
Organization: Young Americans for Liberty, Regis University

Current Residence:
    O'Connell Hall, Regis University
    3333 Regis Blvd (50th Ave), Denver, CO 80221

Permanent addresses (family has two):
    14432 W Center Dr, Lakewood, CO 80228
    505 Church St, Eagle, CO 81631

Previous Address:
    2577 S Coors St, Lakewood, CO 80228

Social Media:

Websites (we strongly discourage visiting):
To Alex:

We hope your life gets significantly harder and lonelier as you descend into the alt-right pit, you pathetic fuck. "Free speech" doesn't mean living without consequences for your words and actions. If you're fighting on the same side as Nazis, you don't get to pretend like you're on the side of liberty. Why don't you do everyone a favor and fuck off already?

"Act like a Nazi, get punched like a Nazi!"
-Rocky Mountain Antifa