March 2016 – Quarterly Report

Nine months ago, we launched The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund to show real solidarity and provide real support to anti-fascists and anti-racists around the world, whenever they found themselves in need of some help to continue the fight against hate. Since that time, the Defence Fund has helped out 29 anti-fascists and anti-racists in Australia, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the U.S.

In December, the Defence Fund helped out the infamous Pegida banner snatch squad in Germany, whose feat shall live forever in memed glory!
In January, we contributed to the support fund for D&K, two London-based anti-fascists locked up for the “crime” of defending themselves and their communities against neo-nazis.
In February, we made a donation to the Klinika centre in Prague after their building was firebombed by a masked mob of racists, whose cowardly attack also resulted in volunteers at the centre being treated for smoke inhalation and, in one case, a head injury.

Since we launched, antifa have been calling on the Defence Fund at least once a month for assistance and support.  Click here to find out about the twenty-four other anti-fascists and anti-racists we supported between June and December 2015.

If you believe in the work that we do providing aid, solidarity, and support to people in all corners of the globe who are fighting bigotry, please donate to the Defence Fund. Supporters can now make regular monthly contributions of any amount automatically by signing up here.  This is the best possible way to support the Fund and the anti-fascists and anti-racists it provides much-needed material aid to.  Of course, we are also happy to accept one-time donations via our paypal account.  Any individual or group that donates an amount greater than $20U.S./€20/£15 will be invited to join the growing crew of people all over the world that make the decisions about how The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund is used.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund is proud to have received endorsements from  The Torch Anti-Fascist Network (U.S.) and Föreningen Fånggruppen (Sweden).



klinikaOn February 6, 2016 antifascists in Prague, Czech Republic frustrated a mob of Islamophobic, racist filth by shutting down their planned hate rally.  Shortly after the bigots were forced to abandon their public plans, a large group of masked men, armed with cobble stones, iron bars, and molotov cocktails, attacked the Klinika centre in Žižkov, Prague, shouting racist abuse at a neighbour who witnessed the attack.  Part of the centre was set on fire in the attack and a few people were hospitalized due to smoke inhalation and, in one case, a head injury.

Klinika has been a lifeline to refugees arriving in Prague, distributing food and clothing and offering free Czech and English language classes in addition to their anti-authoritarian political work.  We believe that it was Klinika’s support for refugees as much as it was their staunch stance against racism and xenophobia that made them a target for fascist aggression.

Klinika issued a statement the following day, defiantly vowing to continue their solidarity actions and continue their important work while also noting how similar the cowardly aggression of Czech fascists was to the fascists of Daesh/ISIS.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund is sending a donation to Klinika to help them rebuild their centre, pay for the medical costs of the victims of the attack, and get back to supporting refugees as soon as possible.  We encourage all anti-fascists to join us in doing so via Klinika’s donation page.